11 • sunset

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Jisoo woke up with the sunlight peeking from her window, directly on her face. She groaned and covered her face with her pillow. She want to sleep longer. It's been a rough week for her.

The sunlight wouldn't leave her though.

She sighed and sat up.

It's over now... that thing she had been dreading for a long time. Everyone knows about her relationship, and it didn't turn out so horribly like how she feared it would.

This felt like a brand new start.

She reached for her phone and saw a few messages. One of which was from Taehyung.

A smile formed on her lips.

"Good morning, wifey. I hope you slept well. I miss you so much, can't wait to see you later 💜"

She can't remember the last time saw her boyfriend. It felt like so long ago.

Despite not liking the idea, she still followed Mr. Yang's order.

Fortunately, things have been a bit quiet now.

Taehyung had invited her for dinner yesterday. She asked where but he wouldn't say. He just told her to wear something warm. She felt a litlle giddy and excited.

She went to her closet and picked a few outfit, by few she meant like ten of them, she even tried them on.

Almost an hour passed and she still couldn't pick an outfit!

She groaned.

Why is she acting like it's their first date??

She suddenly felt embarrassed.

There's one easy way to solve such predicament...

She laid all the outfits she chose in the bed and closed her eyes.

"Eeny, minnie, miny, mo... okay. This one it is." She said and patted her own back, satisfied with her problem solving skills.

She went to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast for everyone. Her members are probably still asleep or went out already. She also fed dalgomie, before changing to her workout clothes. She has training scheduled today, all of her members are physically prepping up for their upcoming world tour.


Evening came, Jisoo have showered and everything. She's waiting for Taehyung, and enduring her members teasing.

"Don't forget to use protection, unnie." Jennie teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

Lisa gasped, jaw dropping.

"Ommo." Rose looked a bit scandalised.

Jennie only laughed at them.

"This girl is wild." she muttered, shaking her head and laughing.

Her phoned pinged. Taehyung texted her saying he's outside waiting.

She bid her goodbye to her teasing members and hurriedly went outside.

Taehyung was standing outside his car.

Damn, he looks good.

"Hi there, handsome." She grinned and hugged him tightly.

Taehyung smiled at her brightly, gathering her in his warm arms.

God, how she missed this.

"I missed you." She blurted.

"I know you do." He jokingly boasted, his smile getting bigger.

She narrowed her eyes at his arrogance and tried to suppress a smile.

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