03 • jealous

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Taehyung have been acting weird since last night, during the SBS Gayodaejeon.

He looked pissed off near the end of the show.

He also didn't talk to her after the show.

He isn't answering her calls.

Jisoo is worried.

She decided to pay him a visit at his apartment to talk to him and figure out what's going on.

When she arrived at his apartment tho, all his group members were there.

She stopped in her track when they all turned to her, stopping in whatever it was they were doing too.

They were lounging in the living room, eating chicken and ramen while watching Netflix but Taehyung wasn't there.

"Oh. Anyeong Jisoo-ssi. Taehyungie didn't say you were coming." Jungkook said to her, pausing their movie.

They probably felt the tension radiating from her.

"We could leave if you want..." Namjoon suddenly offered.

"Oh no, that's not necessary. I just need to talk to Taehyung-ah for a bit." She smiled at them.

"Oh yeah. You should really talk to him. He hasn't been his self since last night." Jhope added.

"What? Why?" she asked worriedly.

She saw Yoongi softly elbowed Jhope.

"Owwh... what I mean is, uhm." Jhope stammered.

Looking at his members for help.

"He meant that, uhm," Jimin rescued, "we think Taehyung is like, having his, like male period or something."

realizing what he said, Jimin winced.

Jin snorted at him.

Jisoo looked at them weirdly.

She saw Namjoon shake his head at his members antics before turning to her.

"You should just ask him yourself, Jisoo-ssi. It isn't our place to say." Namjoon said, smiling at her apologetically.

She suddenly had a bad feeling in her gut.

"Oh... alright. Okay... thanks." She gave them a small smile.

She then hurriedly went to Taehyung's room, not bothering to knock.

She found him on his bed again, eyes closed and earphones plugged in.

She sat on the edge of the bed and tried to wake him up.


He did not move.

"Kim Taehyung."

still nothing.

Jisoo sighed.

"I know you're not asleep. What's wrong? Why are you ignoring me?" her voice cracked a little.

Taehyung suddenly sat up and stared at her with what felt like eternity.

"Come here." He said opening his arms.

"Ani. Not until you tell me what's wrong." she insisted stubbornly.

He cant just go hugging her after ignoring her.

Taehyung let out a deep sigh.

"I just..." he started "I got... reallyjealouslastnightnowifeelpathetic." he mumbled.

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