07 • surprise

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Jisoo lit the last candle and happily blew out the match.

She quickly checked her appearance in the mirror. She's wearing a simple purple dress, her hair is down and she decided for a no make up look.

She smiled, everything is perfect

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She smiled, everything is perfect.

She slowly climbed to the bed where Taehyung was sleeping.

She snuggled up to him and peppered him with tiny kisses.

"Taehyung-ah... wakey, wakey."

Taehyung stirred, slowly opening his eyes and upon seeing his girlfriend he smiled.

"Did I sleep too long?" He asked, wrapping her up in his arms and kissing her head.

"A little," she smiled and eagerly moved into a sitting position facing him,"I have a surprise. But first, close your eyes."

His eyebrow rose.

"What is it?"his smile widening.

"Just close your eyes,"Jisoo commanded playfully, he immediately closed his eyes,"no peeking, okay?"

Jisoo pulled him softly out of bed and leading him up to the balcony where she had the hotel staff help her set up a romantic candle-lit dinner for two.

"Open your eyes." She whispered.

Taehyung obeyed, and was pleasantly surprised at the sight before him.

Taehyung obeyed, and was pleasantly surprised at the sight before him

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Jisoo grinned at him. "Surpriseee! Do you like it?"

He gave her a tender look, brushing his thumb over her hand.

"You didn't have to..."

"I want to. Come on, the food will get cold." she smiled, tugging him.

Taehyung pulled her chair for her and kissed her head when she sat down before settling on his chair.

Jisoo beamed at him, he returned her with a grateful smile.

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