09 • exposed

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A week have passed, Blackpink was back in korea. They we're given a two week rest before flying back to US to kick start their first ever World Tour. Jisoo was alone in their dorm, because the girls were still out spending time with their families before their Tour begins.

Jisoo had spent her weekend at her parents house and was thoroughly rested and well fed. Her mother had made sure of it. She decided to come back to their dorm today or else her mom will feed her a buffet of food, again.

Don't get her wrong, Jisoo loves her mom's homemade meals, it's her favorite in the world but their World Tour is around the corner, so she has to keep a strict eye on her figure. Unfortunately, her mom would throw a fit if she even refuse one dish. So, here she is. Back in her lonely dorm.

She hadn't seen Taehyung yet. Tomorrow they will spend some time together. That made made Jisoo smile.

She was laying on her bed with her dog, Dalgom, he's sleeping on her stomach, tongue hanging out from his mouth, he's obviously tired from the little walk they did earlier. She chuckled at his adorable face. She brushed her hands on his soft fur, listening to the rain drops pelting on her window.

Jisoo stared at the window and pondered. It was sunny earlier, but now it's gone, replaced by the cold, pouring rain. Funny isn't it? How things could change so quickly. Like, one moment your happy, and then suddenly... you're not.

She was pulled from her thoughts with a series of pounding on her bedroom door.

Her eyebrows furrowed.

Are the girls back? They couldn't be... they said they'll be back next weekend.

Jisoo's heart started to race. A bad feeling creeping up to her.

That can't be good.

Jisoo slowly placed Dalgom on the bed and hurriedly opened the door.

It was Jennie. Worry and alarm etched on her face.

"Jennie? What's wrong?"

"Unnie! Unnie are you okay?" she started, pulling her into a tight hug,"They did it again! First to me, now to you. haven't you heard yet? i tried calling you but you weren't answering so i rushed here to check on you.." she was babbling, almost crying.

To say Jisoo was confused was an understatement.

"What are you talking about? i'm okay, stop crying. What is it?" she tried to calm her down.

Jennie fumbled to her bag and took her phone out. Her hands were shaking.

"It's everywhere! Everyone knows, about you and Taehyung. Look!" she thrusted her phone to her hands.

It was an article with various photo of her and Taehyung at the airport, last week.

Her blood run cold as she stared at it.

[BREAKING] Dispatch Reveals BTS V and BLACKPINK's Jisoo Are Dating

Article entry 04.27.2019 • 10:00 AM
Last modification 04.27.201911:16 am

2019 • 11:16 am

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It was already trending everywhere, people we're shocked and couldn't believe it, some were already calling it a scandal

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It was already trending everywhere, people we're shocked and couldn't believe it, some were already calling it a scandal.

Jisoo did not finish the article nor read the comments. She stood there unmoving, her heart pounding like crazy.


Dread gripped her entire being, making her weak.

"That fucking dispatch! Haven't you checked your phone? Oh God, where is it?!"She came on to her room and started searching for the said phone but Jisoo couldn't be bothered.

Jennie finally found her phone and gasped at all the missed calls and text messages, some from Lisa and Rosé, some from her manager and some from her family.

Everyone already knows.

Jennie probably felt she was losing it. She came to her and gave her another hug and pulled her gently to her bed.

"Unnie, breath... just breath and listen to me," her voice was surprisingly firm and soothing, she gripped her shaking hands tightly,"no matter what happens, don't let them do to you what they did to me, arasso? you can get through this. You and Taehyung."

"What if..."

they separate us... what if fans start hating on her or Taehyung... what if both their career get damaged by this...

She couldn't even say any of it.

Jennie shushed her.

"Don't think about those now, It's not going to help you or Taehyung. You have to remember, you did nothing wrong... what's wrong is these stupid people stepping into your private life." Jennie spat with sheer hatred and disgust.

She's right. She didn't do anything wrong. She's only in love.

How it was such a big deal, so much so that the term "scandal" is used, is beyond her.

Jisoo nodded her head, her determination building up.

She cleared her mind and tried to focus on her actions. Somehow she was able to calm herself down and started to think properly.

What she has to do now is to stay focused and face whatever criticism is out for her and not let this scandal ruin her career and her relationship.

Her phone rung again.

It was Mr. Yang.

Her big boss.

Jennie and Jisoo both look at each other.

She nodded and  took a deep breath before answering it.

hello, here's an update! please comment and give it a vote 💜

i have another story coming up! i'm still working on its first few chapters tho 😉 stay safe everyone xx

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