12 • threats

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"Okay, let's call it a night. Take your well deserved rest and good luck on the tour everyone." Potato Teacher announced. She's in charge of their overall choreography production.

They call her potato teacher since trainee days because she was very harsh to them then, the nickname just stuck.

Everyone in the practice room cheered, including Jisoo and her members. They've been rehearsing all day, everyone was tired, but Potato Teacher is ruthless, like she always is.

They'll be leaving the next day to begin their most awaited World Tour.

Jisoo is nervous and excited at the same time. She bets all of them are but her members speak english very well and they've lived abroad, whereas Jisoo haven't, though she's been learning english, its just still so very confusing for her. She feels a little intimidated by the thought of going to another country where she doesn't speak the language. Thankfully, her members are always there for her.

They all rode the same van to go home, everyone was quiet and tired. Jisoo was too but her mind is so active. She checked her phone and was shocked to see that she entered trending list again.

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Igo Mwoya?" she murmured to herself.

She didn't even do anything.

"Wae? What is it?" Jennie asked beside her, noticing her worried expression.

Lisa and Rose where already sleeping at the back.

"I don't even know."

They both checked the top most article and gasped.

Apparently, Taehyung accidentally posted her picture at the beach in their group instagram he immediately deleted it tho, but fans already saw it.

Jennie suddenly laughed.

"Look at the comments. Fans are making fun of him."

[+2,394, -27] Ommo, did he really post that? V is so whipped.
[+1,321, -50] He's so cute! Accidentally posting his girlfriend kekeke
[+1,247, -51] Jisoo is so pretty, why is the world so unfair ㅠㅠ
[+1,073, -15] they had a date at the beach??? Ommo, so romantic
[+1,033, -285] he deleted faster than the flash...
[+732, -9] I love them both can they get married already ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing serious." Jennie consoled.

"Yeah. He's such a dummy." Jisoo said smiling and shaking her head.


Jisoo woke up in the middle of the night because her phone won't stop ringing. She rubbed her eyes and reached for it in the night stand ad checked.

Who would call her in such an ungodly hour.

It's an unknown number.

Maybe it was an emergency, she took the call and answered...


No one answered and the call was suddenly dropped.

She stared  at her phone weirdly.

Was it a wrong call? or a prank?

She decided to let it go and went back to sleep.

A few minutes later, her phone rang again.

She irritatingly reached for her phone. It's a different number now. Jisoo felt skeptical but answered it anyway.

"Who is this?"

It was silent for a moment and then a woman spoke,"Bitch."

And then the call was ended.

Jisoo stared at the number, shocked and confused. She turned her cellphone off and reminded herself to buy a new number.

She couldn't go back to sleep, she kept thinking about the mysterious caller.

Who could it be?

How'd they get her number?

How dare them call her a bitch.

She decide not to tell her members or Taehyung about it yet until she knows who it could be. It might just be a one time thing, no need to get them worried.

The next day they we're all in the dorm, busy packing their lugage for their flight tomorrow.

Jisoo was still thinking about what happened last night. It wouldn't leave her mind.

The door bell suddenly rung.

"Yey. Pizza is here!" Lisa shouted from her room.

She heard her running towards the door.

They were all feeling a little lazy to cook lunch so they decided to just order 3 boxes of pizza.

"Jisoo unnie! It's not pizza, it's a package for you." Lisa shouted.

Package for her?

"I didn't order anything." She said while heading towards Lisa.

Lisa was holding a small package, a letter sized one, she was flipping it over checking who it was from.

"It doesn't have any sender..."

"Really? That's odd." She took the package and tore the cover.

It was an envelope.

She carefully opened it and took out the letter. Lisa was behind her checking too.


Lisa gasped. "Oh my God!"

Jisoo couldn't move, she was dumbfounded.

The letter was written in blood. It smelled like dead rat and it creeped Jisoo out.

First a phone call, now a bloody letter??

"What happened?" Jennie and Rosé appeared.

She showed them the letter. They both screamed and looked utterly disturbed.

"What kind of psychopath would do that?!" Jennie spat, disgust dripping in her every word,"I'm gonna call security and have them investigate who sent it. How dare them!" She walked out tapping on her phone furiously.

Lisa and Rosé just stood there with her. They were all still shaken up. Jennie is probably too, but that girl wouldn't just sit around.

"Unnie, who do you think could that be?" Rosé asked softly.

Jisoo didn't respond, because she has no idea either.

"Maybe a saesang?" Lisa said thoughtfully,"It say's He's Mine, so maybe Taehyung's fan?"

"Yeah, could be... But we don't know for sure."
Rosé pondered, "We have to be extra careful now, specially you unnie. Don't ever leave anywhere without company or security."

"I know." She nodded.

"Will you tell Taehyung?" Rosé asked.

"Not until I know for sure who did this. I don't want him worrying so much..."

They all became quiet.

The doorbell rang again, and they all jumped.

"It's the pizza." Lisa said after checking the door, losing the excitement she had earlier.

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