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Kim Taehyung ended up helping Jisoo cook in the kitchen even though she insisted on him to rest. He said he wanted to spend more time with her instead of sleeping.

"Excuse me, i need the knife." He said clearing his throat and purposely placing himself behind her, their bodies touching, but not grabbing the knife.

Jisoo tried to ignore him and continued stirring the kimchi stew.

"Hmmm, that smells good." He said again, lowering his face in her neck and sniffing, his hot breath giving her goosebumps.

Really he was more flirting to her than actually cooking.

"You're distracting me." She huffed, forgetting what ingredient it was she was supposed to add in the stew.

"I am? So sorry." He said unapologetically, and instead wrapped his arms around her waist, peppering kisses on her neck.

She groaned and slightly elbowed him.

Damn him for making her knees weak and her mind a jumble of mess.

"Go chop the onions, i need them. Pali, so you can eat already." she breathily instructed.

God, why is it so hot in here?

She fanned herself with her hand. She could feel her cheeks warming and her forehead sweating.

"i don't want to eat, Jisooyah," he whispered in her ear, "I just want you."

Jisoo shivered, almost spilling the stew, she couldn't stop her face from turning pink to red. She covered her face with her hands, feeling embarrassed, her heart beating so fast.

"Mwoya?," Taehyung chuckled, "is my Jisoo embarrassed and blushing?" (mwoya = what?)

"Of course not!" she straightened herself, "This is my normal face. I'm normal." she defended lamely, still red in the face.

Taehyung laughed harder, finding his girlfriend so adorable.

Hours later, they both finally managed to finish cooking, even tho it took longer that usual because Taehyung would not stop teasing and seducing Her.
He honestly had so much fun making her blush like a tomatoe.

 He honestly had so much fun making her blush like a tomatoe

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"That was the best meal i ever had." Taehyung announced after finishing his meal. "Gomawo, my Jisoo. I feel so full and nourished." (Gomawo= Thanks)

They were currently in his living room, watching a movie while eating.

She smiled at him, all the embarrassment and teasing was worth his smiles and gratitude. She placed her legs in Taehyung's lap and continued eating, gesturing for him to massage her.

Taehyung was massaging her feet while watching the movie, when his phone rung. It was Jimin, one of his members, Taehyung immediately answered it putting it on speaker.

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