Cake on a plate (Catra and Adora)

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Season 1 best friend squad attends a cake party. Or just a party with cake. Idk.
Short, with a crack.

The party was bustling with happy energy, music and a purple haired princess studying the social interaction. Perfuma had thrown a cake party because she felt that everyone was 'down'.
Adora got up from her seat to fetch herself more cake - she absolutely had to get more. She had to excuse herself from her lively friends, but she promised them she would be back soon. Those two probably secretly wanted some time alone anyway.
Although if they where at a party, was that even a thing?

Adora had just squeezed through the sea of people blocking her from relishing in another meal, when her eyes lay upon the horror:
"Hey, Adora." Catra flicked her nails and looked seductively at Adora with that signature smirk.
Oh who are we kidding? Catra's no horror, she's a fricking masterpiece.
Let's do that again.

-when her eyes lay upon the horror:
There was no cake left.
Now that is a horror. DUN DUN DUUUNN

Adora almost dropped her plate as her mouth fell open. She had only had one slice and had spent most of her time mingling with the party folk. She'd have to wait until tonight for Glimmer to sneak through Bright Moon's halls if she wanted another piece. And that was assuming they where even heading home after this (which they where probably not)

"Here," a voice called from her left, making Adora spin to someone covered in robes leaning against the wall in a corner. They where holding out their plate with the last piece of cake on it. "You can have mine."

Adora looked at the piece of cake, licking her lips unconsciously. She looked up, doing her best to keep her eyes on the mysterious person. "Who are you? Why can't I see your face?"
"Because my cloaks covering it, dummy." The hooded figure laughed, still holding out the plate.
Adora was still hesitant, the person's voice sounded strangely familiar. But she didn't get time to think on who, because the person got off the wall and walked over to her.
"I'm not here to cause trouble, okay?" They woman whispered in her ear.  "It's just that I've never been to one of these...parties before."
Adora's eyebrows raised in surprise, and the woman's words. "Really? It's my first time too!" She said excitedly. "The cake here is amazing, how could you not like it? Is there something wrong with yours?"
The lady chuckled at her childishness. "I think I'm the one that's wrong to not like cake." She held out her plate with the untouched cake on it, shoving it slightly to Adora.
"Well, thank you very much then." Adora said to her, turning around to walk back to her friends. It was as she was about to take a bite from the cake that she the noticed the dish had no signs of tasting in the first place.
She frowned at the realisation and whipped around to ask the hooded woman how she knew she didn't like cake when she hadn't tried it yet, but she was gone.

Adora looked around for about another minute or so, feeding her confusion as to where the lady could've gone, however, she wasn't anywhere to be found.
It was only when Adora sat down again to eat the cake did she notice there was something inscribed on the clay of the plate that the dessert had been hiding.
Adora took the cake out off her plate so she could get a proper look at it, because she only saw a bunch of scratched lines at first. Her friends watched her as she took the cake off to reveal the inscribed picture beneath it. Adora's entire body grew goosebumps as she recognised it. Her eyes went wide and she couldn't seem to take her eyes off the picture.
Her friends had to call out to her twice snap her out of it. She shook her head rapidly, hoping to shake the distraction away as well and looked at them.
"Catra's here." She said, still tryiing to regain her focus. "We...we have to get everyone out of her, they're all in danger" She said to them desperately, not giving them a chance to understand what was going on.
Fortunately, they trusted her, and everyone was evacuated from the building as fast as possible.

Adora was transformed the whole time, keeping her guard an hour longer than need. Eventually her friends convinced her that Catra had just messed with her head and left.

Five hours later, when night had fallen Adora sat on her bed looking at the plate. The picture it held was the one Catra had scratched on the wall of her bed in the Horde so long ago. Adora thumbed it fondly, smiling sadly. She set it on her desk in her room, deciding to keep it in hopes of one day convincing Catra to join the Rebellion.

However when she woke up that morning, the plate had been shattered to pieces.


Uhm yeah.
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