Lick my scars (AU) (Catradora)

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Gotta love that title. I should do more of these.

The searing pain woke her.
It had erupted out of nowhere and made entire body tighten unwillingly.

The scars from the battle earlier that day burned against her skin, and not for the first time after going against Catra did she wish she could access She-ra's healing powers from the legends. They would really help with the scratches across her stomach, arms and the dislocated arm she now had.

Although she had discovered she couldn't transform with said dislocated arm so maybe there was no point in knowing how to heal herself.

Adora did her best not to let out a noise, least she disturb the fragile silence that had laid over the castle. Sighing instead, Adora tried to relax back into the comfort of her bed, like her friends had taught her, but it didn't seem to be working. She felt she couldn't let her guard down because she felt as if she wasn't alone somehow.
Also she couldn't relax for shi-
It couldn't be Bow and Glimmer. Of course she couldn't have let them stay up with her through the night just because her arm was a little hurt. They needed their rest too. It had taken a lot of convincing for them that she was going to be okay and that they could go sleep in their separate rooms.

It was then that a wet, somewhat-smooth, somewhat-rough sensation danced across her skin once more and crossed over the scars that had been put on by its owner. The pain in her arm lit up like the ring of fire as it matched the movements of the tongue. Adora wasn't sure if the darn girl was messing with her, or making a genuine effort to help her heal. Adora knew it was something that her kind was known for doing, but they must've had infinite pain tolerance to deal with this. Fortunately, it was in the millisecond when the tongue had moved over her scars that Adora knew who her...uninvited guest was.

"You're early..." Adora managed to say, the corners of her mouth tugging into a smirk. Her voice was small and heavily tired. It had that classical hint if annoyance in it, but was also welcoming at the same time.

The darkness gave her no answer, and for a moment she panicked. Her heart raced at the thought of her secret getting out and explaining that getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning was not some Horde habit. However, that secret was scheduled to be shared for another time.

"I think we took it to far today," a voice said softly, possibly hiding an apology behind the words. Relief eased itself inside Adora's body and she hummed in agreement as the visitor traced a circle around her scars.
"No kidding. How's your ribs?"
Adora didn't have to see her face to know there was a small smile playing on it, because a scoff of breathe of air had blown into the night.
"Still broken, of course." She said unconcerned and quickly realised her mistake, "But don't worry about it, I'll be fine. It's what we were trained for right?"
Adora couldn't disagree with her there. It wasn't the first time one of them had broken a rib.
"We were never trained for this, though," Adora said as she turned on her back and looked up to see Catra sitting on the side of the bed, her blue and yellow eyes gleaming slightly in the moonlight. She put a hand on Catra's arm leaning on the bed as her expression became sad. She began thumbing the thin layer of fur on Catra's arm, enjoying how incredibly soft it was.

Catra watched all of this, with a similar expression. No. They had not been trained to sneak out in the early hours and go to see someone on the opposite side of the war. They hadn't been trained to let go of their feelings towards each other and fight someone they were so close with with everything they had. And they definitely hadn't been taught how to deal with the emotions they were feeling. The only lesson they knew was that there was 'no feelings when going into battle'.

"You didn't have to come into the castle, you know. " Adora spoke after moment of silence. "I was still going out to see you later on."
"Well to me, it doesn't look like you're going anywhere" she smirked and pointed, "Not with that arm"
"You mean this arm that you gave me," Adora poked her and Catra giggled.
"Of course I mean that arm, dummy" she faked been offended, "What? did Sparkles give you one too?"
They giggled in the darkness, but Catra stopped suddenly and clutched her chest. Adora immediately felt guilty.
"The Queen said that someone from Mysticor is coming to heal us up by the way. If you stay-
Catra purposefully interrupted the offer and raised an eyebrow at this. "From Mysticor. Well look at you lucky princesses getting magic to fix you up."
For a second Adora felt bad she had anything. Catra literally had broken ribs and those took six weeks to heal while she would be good as new before the end of tomorrow. Adora was about to apologise when she was overruled.
"But who needs magical healers from Mysticor?" Catra said, with a somewhat boastful tone while standing up. "You've got a Force Captain from the Horde here to help you" she said jabbing a thumb at herself while grinning confidently.
"Oh great," Adora rolled her eyes, "I feel so much safer with a Horde soldier looking after me"
Catra's expression dropped, "Apparently that's what the rest of Etheria thinks," she muttered to herself. Then she offered out her hand. "Just get up,"
Adora gave her a puzzled look, but obeyed. She threw the blankets off, swung her legs out and got out of bed. Still in her sleepwear.
"Okay what- woah!" Adora yelped as Catra pulled her to a different part of the room, then went about steadying her and making sure she was in the right spot.
"What are you doing to me, Catra?" Adora questioned the focused creature, and hoping the darkness was hiding the sight blush that was rising in her cheeks from all the excessive contact.
[Excessive makes me think of Nora from Flash, sad tear]
"Fixing your arm" she simply said.
"And how are you going to do that?" Adora asked as Catra stopped fiddling with her position and looked up at her. "Without me screaming at least"

Catra stared at her and hesitated. In ask honestly, the feline had not planned to stay after she slammed Adora's shoulder into the metal pole behind her to pop it back into place; she figured she would just run out and leave Adora to explain whatever happened to whoever came in. But as a new idea surfaced into her head, she grinned, hoping to hide the enormous amount of anxiety behind it. "Oh don't worry, you won't make a sound"

Adora felt uneasy about this idea, whatever it was. "Catra what-"
She was cut off by a hand on either of her shoulders, the right shoulder being placed on with more gentleness. "It's okay Adora. Just....just trust me."
They stared into each other's eyes for a breathless moment until
Adora breathed for a second, then nodded "Okay. Okay, I trust you"
Catra's face turned into the tiniest of smiles, but remained still.
Catra shifted her feet slightly, coming in closer to Adora, who felt the heat rise even higher in her face as felt Catra's very breathe against her lips.

Then suddenly she was forcefully pushed back so fast she couldn't even react. Her right shoulder collided with one of the poles of the room and exploded in agony as her arm was forced into place. Adora opened her mouth to scream but a noise barely had a chance to escape her lips due to something else colliding with it. Adora's eyes went wide with shock as Catra clamped her mouth over Adora's.

Time seemed to stand still and the pain was immediately forgotten as Adora reveled in shock from the surprise. Thousands upon thousands of feelings ran through her body, setting it alight. However as soon as the pain came back, her entire body scrunched up. This however, included her lips, causing everything inside her body to send (even more) waves of pleasure throughout itself. Soon enough, she closed her eyes and found she was kissing Catra back.

For a breathless few seconds the feeling exploded between the two as thousands of fireworks went off inside.[Do they even know what fireworks are?]. Both of them unable to stop the feelings they had from pouring out. Then, after one last kiss, they stopped, slowly removing their mouths from each other. Catra's forehead fell into Adora's collarbone, eyes still closed, feeling the rise and fall go with her heavy breathing.
Adora tried her utmost to form a rational thought in her brain, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to. Her body fumed with heat from that kiss, as she subconsciously felt the pain in her arm completely subside. Her mouth was still hanging open slightly, unable to find the right words. None seemed to be able to form.
"Catra.." She managed to say, as a hand reached up to hold her cheek
The blue and yellow eyes looked up, wide with fear and uncertainty, but also longing like a lost child.
"Adora," Catra tried to say, "I-"

Suddenly the doors swung open.
Bow burst into the room while Glimmer teleported in and switched the light on. Catra jumped in her spot, somehow still too dazed to think about hiding to running. "We heard a-"
Everyone in the room stopped dead I their tracks and froze with wide eyes and jaws hanging open as the intruders caught them in the middle of their situation. Adora instinctively held Catra tightly, letting her know she wasn't going to let them hurt her.

Adora blinked.
Looks like they had a lot of explaining to do.


A blue-eyed girl getting a visit from her cat in the middle of the night? I've read too many Marichat fan fics.

Also do you want a part 2?

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