Soccer AU (Adora and Catra)

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We call it soccer over here, okay? (For those that call it football)

I gotta change some rules for this AU. So their first names (not surnames) are on the back of your shirts and it's nine-a-side.

Adora was nervous.

She didn't know why, she was usually calm and confident before she walked on the pitch. But something made her edgy...
But what?
Her boots were tied, her hair was perfect, she was well rested and ready. But something was still making her uneasy and she couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't going to be one of her ordinary games.
Maybe it was the fact that she'd never faced these opponents? But that would be silly - it's not like it was the first time she'd gone up against the new team.

But this team was different though. They had recently acquired some new players, and had also been coming dangerously close to their own number 1 spot on the log. One player in particular she was supposed to look out for...
A left-footed centre forward that held great skill...

Adora shook her head, hoping to shake the odd feeling away as well and focus. Glimmer, her captain and best friend, came over to check that she was okay before they headed out on to the field.
"Ready to crush them Adora?"
Adora smiled smugly at her, "You bet"

The captains, Glimmer and someone from the other team, came over and did the coin toss. They won. Glimmer came back and delivered the good news and did a brief once-over of the general plan.
"But if you guys don't feel like listening to my mom," she added,"By all means please do"
The team shared a little laugh and ran off to their positions.

Adora ran to the middle, ready to start off with Glimmer. Looking around, everyone was in their usual spots. Mermista was at the left wing on the far end, Perfuma behind her; Frosta, Netossa, Spinerella were at the back, Entrapta was between them, while Scorpia was in the goals.

As she looked out onto the opposite side of the field, her gaze caught someone's eye. Or eyes. Twin blue and yellow eyes were staring back at her and time froze for a second.
"Adora," Glimmer snapped her out of her trance. "Could you check out your date later on please"
"Why, what's wrong with me looking at the girls, Glimmer" she smirked, "Getting jealous?"
"No, I'm getting inpatient, you dumb lesbian." She laughed at her. "Let's crush these guys already"
Adora took one last, quick glance at those eyes, then looked down and kicked the ball to Glimmer.


About half-way through the first half Adora's team had scored a corner-kick. Adora stayed away from the crowd that had built up in the middle, hoping to score from afar. It was her speciality after all. The biggest mistake the opposition made was leaving her wide open.

"Ah-dor-" a voice interrupted her focus from behind her and she turned to find...the girl with the eyes. When the girl was interrupted from reciting Adora's name, she looked at her with an offended expression.
"Uh, excuse me, I'm trying to read here?"
For a moment Adora was trapped in the girls eyes, but soon scoffed at the player. Adora attempted to turn back to the set piece, but failed.
"-ra" the girl went on again. "Huh, that's a funny name. You know my name also-"
"What do want?"
Adora nearly fell over at the immediate response, while the other girl just stood their with a hand on her hip and a grin on her face. She couldn't find something to say to her opponent as she continued to look at her with that smirk on her face.
Suddenly the smirk turned into a laugh. The girl burst into a series of laughter and even smacked her own knee.
"I'm just kidding. You're not my type."
Adora was just about to protest when the girl came in close. Quite close.
"It was fun distracting you, though"
And just like that, the girl, ran off in the direction of in the goal.

With the ball.

Adora's went wide as she realised the ball had been passed to her and she hadn't even known it. Their team usually relied on chemistry and silence so the other team couldn't predict what was to happen (also they were horrible at coming up with plans), so it wasn't a surprise that she hadn't heard anyone call her, but how had she missed a pass right to her?

Cursing, she broke out into a desperate sprint after the ball, the majority of her team following her from the set piece
Please don't score, please don't score
Adora prayed to the soccer gods, hoping they knew she didn't ask for much and we're willing to grant her a miracle.

But that girl had other ideas. With admittedly impressive skill, she dribbled past the two defenders on the left and ran in close with the keeper. She then faked a pass into the middle with her left foot only to cross her right foot behind her left and kick the ball into the near post.

Dammit, Adora cursed herself, stupid soccer gods. The one time I ask you for something.

"Adora?!" Glimmer yelled at her. "What happened back there? Why didn't you take the ball?"
Adora looked at her apologetically, but also with intensity, "I...I got distracted. I'm sorry, I promise it won't happen again."
"It better not," Frosta hissed. "That girl is good. " she said looking at the blue and yellow-eyed girl as her teammates joined her in celebration.
Entrapta nodded. "We should probably make sure she doesn't get the ball!"

Adora nodded, finally getting a good glimpse at the name at the back of the shirt.
I think this is going to be harder than we thought.

Wait wrong fandom.

Catra stayed of her way for a while, being on the opposite sides of the field and all. However, when Adora became dangerously close (which was outside the box), Catra made another move.

Adora didn't even see her coming. One moment she was going to shoot, the next the ball was under Catra's foot half a metre away.
"Oh hey, Adora"
Now being a soccer player and all, your first instinct when a ball is in reach of your foot is to go and get it.
Adora made that mistake. As she reached out, Catra slid her foot the left and flicked the ball between the gap in Adora's legs.
Catra laughed in amusement, but Adora was not going to be taken for a joke. She jabbed out with the foot she had left behind and in doing so got it back. Immediately she began running forwards, and away from Catra. She couldn't risk the ball in her hands again (although literally speaking that would be really good). Unfortunately, running from Catra seemed to be a problem. The girl was a speed demon, easily capable of keeping up with Adora. Adora was forced to back heel it to Entrapta, praying she was open.

And she was. Entrapta expertly sniped the ball through the defence wall to Glimmer, who reeled her left foot back for the shot.


While they celebrated the goal, Adora noticed that the other team practically shrugged it off. In fact they seemed to be laughing at some boy in the stands and pointing towards him. All she heard was the name 'Kyle'.

She let it be. This team would be sorry they were so over-confident.


Sorry to end it there, but I might write more later on.

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