Last String, Last Hope (AU)(Adora and Catra)

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One of my school essays that I wrote only it's the uncut version. It is a superhero AU, but you can ignore that if you want.

Two girls once shared a bond, strong as rope. However, that rope had been broken down over time, and now it was on its last string.

Golden Spider stood over her city, the freezing wind stinging at her face despite her mask. She couldn't be bothered by the height of the tall building, she had overcome that fear long ago.
Spider was starting to wonder if her message had gone ignore. It's not like it couldn't be seen, after all it was impossible to miss a giant web in the sky that said 'let's talk' with the  webbing catching the glimmering moonlight.
Although was 2 am...
Then she heard the thunder, and her heart began beating furiously, edgy about the meeting to come.
A shinning silver streak of lightning zig-zagged itself though the streets below, only gently disturbing the delicate silence that lay upon the city.
The lightning travelled towards her and took a few rounds in the vicinity around the area, probably making sure this wasn't a trap, then came to a stop behind her with a gust of wind.

"Make it quick."

The spiderwoman took a deep breathe in and out, then turned around to face her nemesis - Silver. The blackness in her suit was somehow darker than the shadows themselves; the silver bolts in the design being the only thing that made her visible.
And her eyes. Yellow and blue. The most outstanding feature across her face, egg also the only facial feature you could see due to the mask.
The tension in the air ran tight like a wire, yet also demanding to be broken. Adora had to break the silence, but something told her words wouldn't get her anywhere - they certainly hadn't in the past. She decided to be bold, do something crazy and trust that it wouldn't screw her entire life up.
Lifting her hand up to her face slowly, Adora grabbed onto the material of her mask and pulled it off. She shook her blondes and looked at Silver, who had her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed. Adora threw the mask, landing it on the floor between them in such that way that she invited Silver to do the same. The girl in black hesitated, maybe thinking how she could take advantage of the situation. But if Silver wanted to unmask Adora in public, she could have done it a long time ago.
Shiver lifted her copied the ritual, throwing her own mask ontop of Adora's, who could stop herself from smiling at seeing her friends face again. Short hair looked good on her.
"I missed you." She said softly.
Catra clenched her teeth and looked away.
Adora bit her lip at the failed attempt, then summoned all the courage she had and spoke again.
"I can't keep fighting you, Catra. It breaks my soul that I have to hurt you and I-" ,she chocked on a sob, "I can't do this anymore."
Catra was silent, still not making eye contact. "What changed?"
Her voice...
"I thought I could start over.I thought I could just move on, but I can't." Adora could hear the desperation in her own voice. "Not without you."

Catra finally turned looked at her, taking her eyes in for a second. "You expect me to just...leave with you?"
"Why not?!" Adora shouted out, waving her arms wildly. "Come with me and we could-"
"Play hero?" Catra sneered, testing Adora. Adora herself however, didn't catch the venom in her voice.
"Yes!" She exclaimed, getting ahead of herself. "You and Me! Just like when we-"
"Stop." Catra shut her off, snarling at her. "Just. Stop."
Adora's heart sank.
"As long as you are a hero," Catra said slowly, her furious voice calm as can be, "I will never go with you."
Adora internally crumbled, the venom in her voice cutting deep. She struggled to find the words - any words - to somehow make this right. She had to; this was not going to be the end of their relationship.
But Adora was too slow, and it was Catra that came up with something.
"Come with me," she said, the venom gone like it had never been ther. Her voice was soft and welcoming, her hand was stretching out for Adora to take it. "We can leave this all behind and just...go! Be whatever we want..."
"I..." Adora's voice trembled with hesitation. "I have a responsibility."
"No you don't!" Catra shouted at her, stomping her foot in the process. A few sparks flew off her.
"You have a choice, Adora. Please..."
Adora wanted to. She wanted to so badly to give in, to take Catra's hand and laugh as she zipped them through the city, onto the oceans and into an entirely new world. Far away from responsibility and burden...
...but she couldn't.
She couldn't abandon her city and her friends. She couldn't just up and leave because she wanted to - these powers weren't given to her for nothing. She had a duty. A responsibility.

Catra saw the look on Adora's face - a hero's face - and retracted her hand slowly. Her own face showed nothing but pure emptiness, which then hardened into hate.
Adora barely had time to register her mistake before Catra said:
"I knew it."
And vanished, so fast that Adora couldn't even see her go. All she could do was stand there, scrunch her face up and try her absolute hardest not to let the tears escape.

Snap. The rope that had been so strong was now broken, and no matter how much the two sides longed to be together...
...they couldn't.

Angst is real lol
I'll try to do a happy one again, but idk what yet.
What did you think?

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