After the fire (cops and robbers au)

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(A side note: Catra and Adora are not together, in any way)

"Bow, It's them."
"I'm on my way. Be there in 5."
"Perfect. Where's Adora?"
"I don't know, but I've already texted her where to go."
"You'd think she would be punctual now of all times..."
"Are...are you sure you're up for this, Glimmer?"
Glimmer hesitated, looking at the badge of authority in her hand that used to be her mothers, she never thought she would be the one wearing it.
"One of them is coming with us tonight," she clenched her fist over the badge, "and I will know who was responsible for killing my mother."


The purr of a cat echoed throughout the building. You could faintly hear it at the entrance, but as you walked down the hallway and the tunnel turned into a large dome with many glass containers below it, the sound was prominent. The curved roof had beautiful mosaics on it, but was not visible to the naked eye, as the two thieves had cut all electricity to the place. It was also night, which didn't help.

"What a shiny piece of First Ones tech down there, hey Adora?" Catra flicked her nails and smirked at the way Adora jumped when she heard her real name while she was in costume.The feline was sprawled across the top balcony that overlooked the floor. Adora was on the other side, sword in hand of course, and dressed in that silly outfit. Adora was also able to breath a breathe of relief when she heard her friends enter below, yelling police stuff. They hadn't heard the identity of She-ra.
She gritted her teeth at Catra's laid back attitude, especially considering the events that had transpired a few days ago. "I've got other plans today."
"Really?" Catra pretended to be deeply interested. "And here I was looking forward to our time together."
"I'm giving you to them." Adora said firmly,
"WHAT?!" Catra jumped up immediately, her anger fuming. "That's right!" Adora shouted. "I'm not stealing that First One's Tech today. I'm going to make you pay for killing that woman."
Catra snarled so hard at her when she heard the last sentence. "I did not kill Angela. That was YOU!"
"DON'T you dare blame me for what happened!" Adora screamed at her, furious. "You wanted to start that fire and you know it."
"No I didn't!" Catra denied it, but her voice had lost its unwavering confidence. All four of them heard the stagger in her words.
"Yes you did!" Adora jumped from to otherside and tackled the cat, sending them both hurdling towards the ground. Catra managed to twist and leap off She-ra before they landed, but she didn't have a smooth landing either.
Glimmer and Bow divided the roles as they always do, and Glimmer went for Catra while Bow went for Adora.
"Stop right there She-ra!" Bow pointed an arrow to Adora at nearly point blank range. "You're not escaping this one."
"Dammit Bow." Adora whispered to herself. She often wondered what would happen if she revealed herself to her friends, but the result was always nothing good. Two high ranking officers of an elite force finding out their third partner was the crimnal they where trying to capture? Not a chance. At least Catra didn't have to deal with this.

Adora swept Bow's feet from the floor and he toppled to the ground. She lept to her feet and ran towards Catra, who had managed to escape an eager Glimmer. Adora wanted to help her friend's bleeding leg, but Bow would have to see to that. Her target was in front of her.
Catra and Adora collided just in front of the object containing First Ones Tech. A fury of limbs entered a storm, kicking, tripping, punching, locking and scratching. Catra managed to find herself on Adora's shoulders and backflip them both to the floor. Adora stayed down for some reason, Catra took this as a result from her earlier fall.
Catra then broke the glass and reached out to take her prize. It had been a while since she'd won against Adora over a piece, but she wasn't complaining. She should be winning.
As Catra claws grabbed the shard, a device clicked and Catra immediately knew it was a trap. She barely had time to curse before a weighted net engulfed her.
"Got you." She-ra looked harshly at her missions success. Catra bared her teeth at the girl, hissing. She attempted to break the net that weighed her down, but it was to no success
"What are you still waiting here for then?" Catra asked angrily. "Scared I'll tell them why Angela really died?"
Adora grabbed Catra's collar from under the net. "Don't you dare."
Catra smirked crazily, "Better go before they find out, princess"
Adora didn't want to let her out of her sight, but she had to. Besides, she wouldn't be gone long.
She-ra ran off into the shadows, disappearing before Glimmer and Bow could get them. Bow tried for an arrow, but it didn't make it.

"It's fine." Glimmer looked towards Catra. "We've got one of them. We'll make her talk."


Bow and Glimmer had managed to get Catra out of the net and into cuffs fairly quickly.
Catra had regained her cocky overaconfidence. "You know this didn't work the last time."
Glimmer threw her fist across Catra's jaw. Bow jumped back in surprise at Glimmers ferocity, wide eyed.
"We're going off books today." Glimmer pulled Catra up close.
"Now tell me," she said in a low threatening voice "Who killed my mother?!"
"Oh that's easy." Catra spat. "The fire did."
Glimmers fist went into the thieves stomache and Catra had to take a moment to recover. Bow was too in shock to do anything.
"Wow." Catra remarked. "Didn't know you could hit that hard."
Wham! This fist went to the jaw.
"Every time you say something I don't want to hear," Glimmer pulled Catra's hair to her face. "I'm going to make you wish you didn't say anything."
Glimmer was going to make Catra admit it. That she was the on that had started the fire and killed Glimmer's mother.
Catra gave her a death look.
"You want to know who killed your mother?" She challenged. "Fine. She's on her way here right now."
Glimmer narrowed her eyes. "Who is?"
Glimmer didn't understand. "Why would She-ra kill my mother?"
"Because your mother died for her, Glimmer." Catra said, trying to catch her breath. "Angela saw the fire and ran in anyway, because she knew She-ra was still in there."
Glimmer shook her head violently. "That doesn't make sense! Mom would run in to save a criminal!" She cried.
"I didn't understand why either," Catra admitted, "But then I thought: What if Angela knew who She-ra was? What if she knew what She-ra meant to her daughter?" Glimmers eyes showed her world collapsing inside, but Catra continued. "What if she thought her daughter would miss her friend more than her own mother?"
"No..." Glimmer whispered, recalling all the arguments and fights she had had with her mother. Had she done this? Had she unintentionally killed her own mother? "No!" she screamed. "You're playing with my head! You're lying!"
But Catra gave her final smile, the one that sent a shivers down Glimmers spine.
"I'm not the one who's lying." Catra said smoothly, then pointed with her chin. "She is."
And into the room walked...

[Poor Glimmer]

"Adora?" Glimmers voice was frail and unexplainably fragile. Bow himself was frozen to the spot.
Adora came stumbling in, like a late reporter. Her gadgets were skew and her clothes were ruffled. Her hair proof was perfect, though.
"I'm sorry I'm so late, guys," She said out of breathe, "I saw She-ra outside and tried to-"
"You're lying..." Glimmer interrupted her best friend with the same fragile voice. "You're...lying." Glimmer couldn't believe what she was saying, so she said it twice, but it still didn't register.
"W-what?" Adora laughed nervously, but her eyes passed over Catra in absolute terror of they she might have said. "Glimmer why would you said that?"
"What if she knew her daughter would be more broken over her friend than her own mother." Bow echoed Catra's words. "Angella went into that building to save you," he pointed at Adora, "Didn't she?"
"You're She-ra..." He realised, taking a step back in disbelief. Glimmer just looked at Adora with a blank face, the only sign of emotion were tears about to burst in her eyes. Adora didn't know what to say, it wasn't like she could deny it, but they didn't understand the whole story. She didn't want to hurt them, nor steal, she just wanted to get home...
Catra looked Adora in the eye with a sinister winning smirk, and Adora knew she had lost.
"Catra..." Adora said angrily, gritting her teeth. "What did you tell them?"
"What they wanted to hear." Catra shrugged. "What they deserved to hear."
"Agh!" Adora charged at Catra, but that's what Catra was expecting. The feline broke free from her restraints and jumped onto Adora's shoulders. She used the leverage to boost herself far enough to use her whip to get to the perch from the beginning of the night.
"For what it's worth," Catra said before she left, "I never meant for anyone to get hurt."
Adora could do nothing but watch her go. Her friends did nothing to stop the thief from leaving, they had more personal things to discuss, after all.

Adora had to face them now. To tell them everything.
And to say sorry.

Yikes. Moral of the story: Don't keep secrets from your friends.

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