Child of Warriors (Finn and Catra)

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(Set in the Future. Adora died a few months ago and since then an army of people have risen to claim Etheria for themselves with She-ra gone. Catra stays at home all the time, depressed, while Finn goes out with the next generation of heroes to fight against this army called The Royals. DT is a close friend of Finn's ofc).
P.S sorry if I accidentally get the pronouns wrong.


This was bad.
Very very very bad.
Finn was currently surrounded by their friends, concrete, cell bars, a plummeting drop to the ocean below and absolute despair.

The plan they had made had gone wonderfully according to plan, except for one key point. Double Trouble. The fellow non-binary was supposed to shape shift into one of the guards as Finn and their friends struck the base of The Royals as hard as they could. However, Double Trouble had then chosen not to show up on the day and resulted in everyone's capture. Finn couldn't tell them about this very important detail before because they suspected a mole within the group.
And they were right. As soon as Finn told the group that DT was supposed to shape shift into one of the staff to infiltrate this impenetrable base, Apollo had gotten up and been released the moment he asked for it. Artemis was heart broken at her brother and was currently beating herself up about it. The two sons of the sea suggested that Apollo might be a triple agent, but Finn doubted it. Queen Glimmer was going to be so heart broken...

No one had any idea where they all were, they hadn't told any adults due to the fact that they could've all died coming in. The only hope now was Finn's mysterious hero. A hooded figure who often watched Finn, but kept their distance and only butted in when needed. Finn see exactly who it was, because they were good at hiding, but Finn did know they were an amazing fighter. A little too good sometimes...

But at that moment a different hero saved them, the Queen herself just poofed right in front of Finn and their friends with a hand on her hip.
"You children..." She shook her head with a smirk. "I guess they don't make 'em like they used to."
"Mom!" Artemis jumped up and ran to the bars. "You can't be here! They have a magic drainer, our powers are useless!"
Glimmer looked softly at her child and at all of Finns friends, including Finn themselves. "Don't worry, honey." She said as she pulled out a button and tapped it. "We know what we doing." The Queen winked at Finn, caused them to frown.
Why would the Queen be in such a good mood?
Their thought where interrupted by when an anchor crashed through the roof and into the room, causing everyone to fall back slightly. When they all recovered, they caught the sight of the Queen knocking out all the guards and opening the cell bars.

Using zip lines from a ship (manned by Entrapta herself) above the fortress, Finn made sure all their friends got out safely.
While they where doing that, Finn noticed something, "Why has no-one come for us? They've got to know we're free right?"
Glimmer smirked at the question, "I think they're a little busy at the moment. Your mother can be a tough case after all."
"My mother?"
"That's right." Glimmer said with a beaming face, "This is all her plan too."
Finn couldn't believe it. Their mom was here. Why? Why now? What happened to staying locked up at home?
"Wait wait wait." Finn waved their arms wildly, "What do you mean 'she's a tough case to handle'? "
Glimmer looked at her seriously as it was just Artemis left. "She's drawing their attention in front, taking on them all."
Finn's eyes widened in horror. "Alone?"
"Finn she can take care-"
But suddenly Finn wasn't there anymore, they where running as fast as they could down the hallways they had memorized. They forced their feet to move beyond its limits and her arms pump harder than a jack-hammer.  They where not going to lose another mother.

When they finally got to the scene, their lungs gasping for air, Finn was a relieved to find that their mom was still alive. Alive and angry.
Catra was destroying every Royal that tried to attack her, putting them down before any of them could land a hit on her. She was an unstoppable force of fury, sending person after person to the ground using any means possible. Often times she would use the enemies own weapons for herself, perhaps that's why the towers had been blasted to smithereens.
Finn was in shock and awe at the sight before them- they had never seen their mother so...relentless before. It was actually scary. Their mom had always told them that the reason she didn't want to go back out and fight was because she "just couldn't"... but what if there was more than what it seemed. What if the reason was because she was scared of what she could - no - would do to these people. The people that had killed her beloved.
Suddenly all the hate towards their mother dissipated, as Finn she came to the epiphany. They jumped when they saw their mother slash her claws just below a Royals' neck, then took her rage out on another. Finn's world turned upside down when they looked around and realized how many bodies were lying on the floor and were not unconscious... but dead. They felt their legs loose their strength beneath them and they almost fell flat on their butt as the sight before them, but a cry broke her thoughts. 
It was Her.
"Mom!" Finn screamed when they saw her only mother left take a bullet to the below the rib cage. Within a second, they sprinted towards the shooter and knocked them out with a kick. They had to stop themselves from doing more than just that. 
Just as Finn slid next to their mother, who was a bleeding mess, the queen poofed nearby. Finn barely noticed the hand on their shoulder, nor the world change around them. All they could see was their mother's life slip away from them. Finn begged the world to save her, whatever the cost. And sure enough Entrapta came rushing in, shoving everyone out of the way.
The princess didn't even say anything, she just put a blue-green device over the bullet wound. Catra ground her teeth harder for a second as the machine pulled the bullet out and began repairing the damaged tissue around it.

The two magicats let out a breathe of relief when they saw everything was going to be all right. Entrapta smiled softly, and so did Glimmer, but when they knew Catra was going to be okay, they had to leave and tend to Finn's gang.
 "You weren't worried about me were you?" Catra laughed a little at Finn, but it hurt so she stopped.
"Mom..." Finn couldn't even find the words. It was taking everything they had not to cry, never mind speak. There was so much to say...
"Ugh." Catra took the machine off against Finn's will (and probably Entrapta's too) so she could sit up and lean against the wall nearby.
"I was hoping you were going to go with Glimmer," Their mother said in between heavy breathing, "I didn't want you to see..."
"Mom,I don't think you should be-"
"No, Finn," Catra stopped them before they could say anything more.  "I think it's time we talked about something."
Finn knew they they weren't getting out of this one. Their mother had that tone in their voice, you know?

Catra took a deep breathe. "I know you sneak out the castle everyday." 
Finn just sat there, frozen and stunned.
"The first time it happened," Catra continued, "I panicked. I didn't know where you were or what could have happened to you. I came out of the room for he first time in a long time, and searched the whole castle for you." Finn couldn't help but feel guilty about that. 
"Then not a minute later, you walked through the door and told me you had gone out to Scorpia for the day." Catra smirked. "I knew you were lying the moment you said it. I'd pulled that card with Shadow Weaver too many times not to notice it."
Shadow Weaver. Bitch.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Finn managed to say. Their question made Catra look directly into their eyes.
"Because that wouldn't have stopped you from going out the next day." Catra smirked knowingly at her child (who was not feeling as easy about this as she was). "So I followed you."
"That's right kid, I'm your mysterious hero..." Catra looked at her. Finn couldn't believe it. This conversation was just one surprise after the other. 

Catra wasn't done talking however, and her expression became hard and determined."...And as soon as everyone is back on their feet again, we're going after the people that killed Adora."


Some 2k special

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