Temporary Team (sequel)

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Sequel of temporary tag team for @SheaSunday

Adora couldn't sleep.

Sure it wasn't unusual for her to not drift off this time of the night, but tonight was different.
Her mind kept replaying the moments that had passed earlier in the day, especially Catra yelling that she never kept her promises.

She was right.
Adora had left Catra and she had lied to her about letting her keep Shadow Weaver. Sure she didn't want it to break her word, but a promise was a promise, and the truth of the matter was that she had a not been able to keep them.

She needed air.

Glimmer and Bow had found their adoptive Horde friend at the crystal castle as She-ra, punching through a swarm of spiders. They had arrived about a minute ago and since then the princess of power had mowed through at least a dozen of them.
Glimmer had to shoot a sparkle of magic at her face to get her attention.

"Sorry about the mess," She-ra said as she kicked one out the way. "What's up?"
"That," Glimmer poked a finger at She-ra's chest, "is something we should be asking you!"
Bow agreed. "We know what happened today wasn't easy on you and that's okay-"
"No it's not!" Adora shouted and threw her sword in the ground. "Why couldn't your mom just give Shadow Weaver to them? Why is she such a big deal to her?" Adora began shooting out her unanswered questions like bullets at flies. Glimmer couldn't even answer them, she herself couldn't understand what the big deal about Shadow Weaver was.
"Why did Catra have to give that witch up so easily? She knows she's going to be in so much trouble when she goes back why would she..." Adora's voice broke and became racked with sobs and she asked the one question she feared the most.
"Why can't I keep my promises to her...?"
Glimmer and Bow have each other a look as they embraced Adora. The didn't know too much about The Promise, but Adora had told them enough to understand. So, biting her lip, Glimmer asked Adora what has to be the most insane question of the year.
"What if we convinced her to join us?"
Adora looked up immediately, shocked that the princess was open to a suggestion like that, but that expression dropped fast.
"No. She won't join us." Adora said sadly." I've tried already."
"Well now she doesn't have a choice." Glimmer said firmly, determine for some reason unknown to Adora (and herself). "I'm willing to bet Hordak didn't like what she did, so she's going to need help."
"So it's settled then," Bow pulled Adora to her feat and rattled the hollow plan. "We break into the Freight Zone, rescue Catra, possibly fight Hordak and get out of there as quickly as possible!"
Adora smiled at her friends and wiped her eyes, "You guys are horrible at planning."
Bow and Glimmer both scoffed at her, "We are the best friend squad, or did you forget?"

Catra forced herself not to fidget.
This of course meant she was doing her utmost not to tremble as she faced the noise of her actions much earlier that day. Catra pondered if she had made the right decision, looking at the door in front of her, but somehow agreed that if she found herself with the same choice again, she would take the same solution. Shadow Weaver was not going to use her again.
Like Adora did.
Catra clenched her teeth and tightened her fists. Adora. Of course that girl would have lied to her. How could she have been so stupid to trust her in the first place. Come to think of it, if Catra hadn't trusted her, then she wouldn't be in this damn situation at all.
Heck if she had just not lied to her Catra also wouldn't be in this situation.
"Find Catra."
Hordak's voice nearby made her jump out of her skin. However, something about it was off. She turned her head to the source, and Catra was immediately reminded by the pesky imp of why she was standing outside Hordak's sanctum.
"Bring her to me at once." Hordak's voice continued through the things speaker, still sending chills through her spine.
Catra did her best to push any thoughts on what would happen inside out of her mind and she put a hand on the door and pushed. Her heart was pounding in her chest so hard she heard it in her ears. This was partially the reason she ignored a sound that sounded like her name, coming from behind her. The rest of the reason was because she couldn't leave the boss waiting any longer. She was in enough trouble already.

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