Touched by an Angel (Slight AU) (Catra, Angela and Glimmer)

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Small AU where Catra still has hallucinations of people (sometimes).


Bright Moon at night was surprisingly still fairly bright.
Catra was continuously awe-struck at the stark differences between the Freight Zone and the Castle she now lived in. It was like they where complete opposites. The one was dull, green and loud, while other was glimmering, magenta and peaceful. Even the air was different. Back in the Freight Zone, if you hadn't grown up there, you would've had a hard time adjusting to the pollution in the air.
But here...
When you took a breathe of the Bright Moon's night breeze it was like you where truly breathing for the first time. The cold, pure, untainted air was simply divine, almost as if you where able to grow wings and just fly away into the night.
Free from your worries and troubles.

"It's not that easy, you know."

Catra's ears twitched as she heard an unfamiliar voice come from behind her. She took a moment to scan her memories to see if she in fact did know this person, but no-one came to mind.
Catra hesitated in moving. If she didn't know the persons voice, chances are she didn't know the person. Catra was also sitting on the edge of Brightmoon's runestone tower, her leg dangling over the edge as a force of habit. One small push was the only thing stopping her from falling 100m into the water below. And she hated water.

Catra turned around slowly, keeping her guard up for anything suspicious  that this mystery person my attempt. Her friends where all asleep in the Queen's room, exhausted after a simple slumber party, so she wouldn't be able to rely on their immediate help if things went sideways fast. She couldn't underestimate them, especially if they had read her thoughts so-
Oh...Well that makes sense.
Catra hadn't finished turning around fully when she got her answer to who the mystery guest was. She should've known it wasn't a real person, but in her defence it had been a long time since she had seen anyone...unreal.
"I learnt a long time ago that you cannot run from your problems." The speaker , a woman, said as she gazed out over the kingdom with such a content smile on her face, Catra wondered if she had missed this place.
But of course she had, this was her kingdom after all.
"This is not my kingdom anymore, Catra." Angela chuckled. "It's is my daughter's now." The Queen beamed with pride and gestured to the lands, emphasising herself.
Catra studied the woman. Taking in her figure and stature. She was so... elegant.
"But I do fear for her..."
Angela's tone took a sudden turn for concern. Her eyebrows dropped and her expression softened as she looked towards the room where Glimmer was most likely still fast asleep, snuggled up in Bow.
"She was born into this war," Angela continued, "She is a great fighter and therefore I worry that she won't know how to live without these aspects."
A fair cause for concern. Catra wouldn't like to admit it, but she did feel like there was a piece of her missing now that the war was over. It's not that she wanted it back, it was more like she had lost... a part of her.
And that part can stay gone for all she cared.

"It's good to see my husband back in these halls." Angela's face brightened up once more as flapped her wings and took a seat next to the half-cat. "I had hoped to be with him should he come back of course, but I know he will be just fine."
Angela then looked over to Catra innocently. "Will you?"
Catra frowned harshly, slightly offended at the sudden suggestion. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Angela tilted her head and smiled. "Will you be okay?" She asked, but it seemed to be rhetorical.
What was that even supposed to mean? Why wouldn't she be okay? Before she could answer someone else joined them.

A sudden call for her sent a chill down her spine. It was just her luck that someone had woken up, and of all people it had to be this one.
Catra silently scolded herself for letting her guard down during such a time as she turned her body to meet her friend.
"What are you doing here? It's so late." The Queen asked, dragging the 'what' out.  "Were the cushions too soft? I know Adora had trouble adjusting to-"
"It's okay..." Catra interrupted her ramble. "...Sparkles."
Glimmer let out a breathe of relief. The Queen was so uptight these days, worrying about everything and everyone. Fake Angela was right to worry about her.
"I was just catching some fresh air." Catra said in the most innocent way possible. "Do you want to sit next to me?"
Glimmer took a moment to accept Catra's reason teleported next to her, on the opposite side of her 'mother'. Great, now their were two queens sitting next to her.
"She's beautiful." Angela said, looking fondly to her daughter, but her eyes were also longing. Then she added with a chuckle, "I like what she did with her hair."
Catra smiled amusingly at that one. It was true, the Queens new hairstyle made her look...grown up. Serious.
Yet the smile on her face as she looked over the night-fallen castle grounds made her look like a little kid. She even kicked her legs against the edge of the wall.
"Oh, my Glimmer..."Angela sighed sadly. "I wish I could be with her..."
The hopeless look on Angela's face was more than enough to make Catra's heart sting. What made it even worse was when the dead Queen turned to Catra, a tear falling from her face as she asked:
"Why did you take me away from her?"
Catra instantly forgot to breathe. Then all at once she couldn't seem to get any of the cold air into her lungs as her eyes went wide.
"Why did you you take me away from her?!" Angela asked, much more intensely.
The question made her heart skip a beat, and she lost her balance so badly Glimmer had to grab her to stop her from falling.
"Hey!" Glimmer gasped in surprise. "Woah! Be careful, Catra!"
Catra was trying to calm herself, but Angela was in no way making it easy.  She had begun shouting about how Catra had left Glimmer without a mother, and Micah without his wife.
"I..." Catra gulped, getting off and backed away from the edge hastily, still hearing Angela shout at her, constantly asking her 'how could you?'.
"I think I'm going to go back to bed..."
Before Glimer could protest against that, Catra turned and ran around the corner, still hearing Angela's screaming in her head as she ran away.

Yikes. Sorry for angst, it wasn't originally gonna be like this but whatever.
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