Crazy Company 2 (Glimmer and Catra)

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Sequel to crazy company.
This was a difficult thing to write ngl. I'll come back and edit this sometime

Catra had woken up after a full day of sleep and had a rough conversation with Glimmer about what had happened. Catra didn't open up about the why, but she did say it had happened before. She also (eventually) agreed to be helped by Glimmer should it happen again by  playing along with the hallucination. This was so that they did not...trigger Catra again.

Apparently Catra's reasoning for allowing Gimmer to help her was not getting shot by a laser beam as thick as a tree.

It had been three days since Catra's...episode. The memories of seeing Catra so vicious and relentless would usually give Glimmer nightmares. Each time she would wake up from one, Catra would look away, almost as if she knew this.

Currently, Glimmer was watching Catra sleep, the feline facing the wall with her back towards Glimmer. The two roommates never slept at the same time, and Catra barely slept. The feline had, in fact, asked if it was okay with Glimmer just a few minutes ago. Glimmer had replied with an 'Yeah sure, you don't need my permission.'
Catra hesitated at the last part of the sentence, looking like she wanted to disagree, but ended up not voicing the thought. Instead, she had said nodded a thanks, curled up with her back turned to her and closed her eyes.

Glimmer knew why she had asked though, the cat had actually felt bad about her previous....eipsode. Glimmer felt a small change of heart towards the feline, the display of guilt making her wonder if Adora had been right about Catra being a good person.

As the few minutes ticked by, the Queens thoughts landed on thinking about playing like Adora should Catra wake up hallucinating again. She wondered if acting like Adora meant she would also have to be terrible at it.
God, she missed them so much.

Suddenly Catra groaned as she rolled a 180° on her bed to face Glimmer. Glimmer hoped this was just a normal thing, because the cat had literally fallen asleep minutes ago.
However she found herself narrowing her eyes at the sight because Catra hadn't woken up like this before, it was always because of a nightmare.
Catra never talked about them, the nightmares, and Glimmer could only wonder what made her roommate toss and turn.
That same cat, still with her eyes closed, rose up from her lying position to a sitting position, sliding her body free from its hunched up position to do so. Catra was most likely awake now, even if her eyes where still closed.
Glimmer watched cautiously as Catra stretched out her arms and yawned openly; those fangs still gave her a cold chill.

Yup, definitely awake.
And hallucinating again.

Finally, Catra rubbed her left eye and blinked slowly at the world, taking her time. Glimmer couldn't help but put up her defences as her roommate opened her eyes fully and assessed the situation in front of her.
"Hey, Sparkles." Catra smiled lazily, but contently, catching Sparkles by surprise. Why would Catra greet her so happily? Like they where friends? She had just called her sparkles, so it wasn't that she thought Glimmer was Adora, so what what is?

Catra rubbed her eyes together again and asked Glimmer, "Where's Adora?"
Glimmers heart jumped. The question caught her off guard because she thought Catra was going to think she was Adora, but now that Adora wasn't here...
"I, uh, I don't know." Glimmer said nervously. "I also just woke up."
Catra moaned, annoyed at the statement, as she scratched her back. But this wasn't the annoyed Catra that Glimmer knew, this annoyed tone was like a grumble, the way she would grumble at Bow when he would force her to come out of bed for the day.

"Ugh, she could have waited for us at least."
Glimmer didn't know what was going on, but she had to do something.
"Where do you think she went?" She asked.
Catra opened one eye as she scratched the back of her head, mumbling something about short hair. "We're on a space ship, Sparkles. There's not a lot of places to go."
Glimmer wasn't sure why Catra thought Adora was on a ship with them, or that they could just wander whether they could, she would just have to play along.
"Besides," Catra continued as she got up to her feet. "She's probably in the front with Bow."

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