Help out (Entrapdak short)

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First try at an Entrapdak...No pressure.

"Help them?" Hordak asked, confused.
Entrapta blinked at him. "Yes. They are asking for out help so...we help them." She pointed to Bow and Glimmer.
Hordak still did not quite understand. "Why?"
"Because they asked." Entrapta shrugged. "Very nicely too."
"But why should we help them just because they asked?"
"Because they're our friends." Entrapta's hair fished out what the two guests needed and 'handed' it to them. "And they're good people."
Hordak took a moment to process this. He looked at the Queen and her - what was it called again - boyfriend and tried to figure the... helping others out thing.
It wasn't the how, but rather the why that he couldn't quite get. Entrapta saw this, and tried once more.
"You would help me right?"  She asked him, "If I asked you to?"
"Yes, of course." He said immediately. "I'd do anything for you."  Entrapta tried not to blush while Bow and Glimmer shared a look.
"Now it's the same with them!" Entrapta pulled over the two with her hair and stuck their cheeks together. "We are friends and we help each other out!" She said excitedly.
"We're friends?" Bow asked innocently, but Glimmer elbowed him. "I mean, of course we're friends. We are definitely friends."
"That's right," Glimmer nodded, "You save one of us, you are one of us."
Hordak blinked,"Uh..thank you. I accept your friendship, and am here to help you. Whatever you need I shall search for it until-"
"-Hordak?" Entrapta looked at him with a smile that made his heart skip a beat.
"Yes, Entrapta?"
"I already helped them."


Yea that's that
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