Now I'm visiting you (Glimmer and Catra)

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On the ship after 'Save the Cat'.


The door to her room slided open and a disturbed feline hissed at her 'guest'.
"Oh great, what-"
Catra was cut off in surprise as she turned to see Glimmer at the door.  For a moment, her mouth hung open, not quite prepared for this encounter.
"Hi, Catra," Glimmer smiled nervously as the door them closed behind her.
Catra narrowed her eyes and turned her back to the pink princess as she recovered from the shock of it not being the blonde princess. Suddenly the boring grey/blue walls were more interesting than the person that had entered the room.
Glimmer frowned at the cold tone. She wasn't expecting Catra to be nice to her but she also wasn't expecting her to be this mean. She'd saved her life and even though it wasn't exactly for Glimmer the two had some made some sort of bond on Prime's ship. Right?
"I told Adora I'd come and see you" Glimmer started as Catra continued to stare at the wall. "She seemed... frustrated from your last conversation so I said I would give it a try, you know?" She laughed dryly.


"Bow, Adora and I are pretty much okay. Bow is still a little mad at me for...Etheria, but that's okay. It's only fair"

More silence.

"Catra?" Glimmer asked, not liking how this was going, "Could you say something at least"
For a few seconds there was nothing, and Glimmer was going to speak again but Catra spoke.
"Did you even try and stop her?" She asked quietly.
"What do you mean?"
"From coming to rescue me" Catra turned to her and walked up right to her. "From walking straight into Prime's ship and almost dying" Catra looked her dead in the pink eye as she pointed her arm out. Glimmer was, admittedly, caught back and shrunk back slightly. It only lasted a second though.
"Did you expect us to just leave you there?!"
That seemed to be enough for Catra, because she straightened up and walked back to the wall. "I knew it..."
She whispered to herself, "Of course you didn't"
Glimmer didn't quite get it, but she knew something wasn't right between them.
"Are you...Are you mad at me"
Catra balled her fists, "Yes! Yes I am!" She shouted angrily at Glimmer. "I told you I was only rescuing you so that Adora didn't go to Prime and try to rescue you! And what did you do when Adora said she was going there to rescue me?" Catra got all up close in Glimmers face "You agreed with her. I bet you even encouraged her"
Catra backed off and shook her head as she went to go sit on the bed "You princesses are idiots."
"Catra, you saved my life. I owed you-"
"It's not about that! It's about the fact that I saved you to protect her from danger and then you went full throttle to put her back in it."
Glimmer breathed for a second. Trying to decide what to say...or do. In a way, Catra had the right to be mad at her. Glimmer had put Adora in danger and the universe had almost been destroyed because of it. Sort of. The truth was they were lucky that Adora was able to become She-ra again or they never would've made it out alive.
"You're right," she said hesitantly. "I didn't bother to stop her when she proposed the idea of going to Prime for you." Glimmer took a seat next to Catra and caught her gaze in the corner of her eyes. "It's just that... after my mom..."
Neither of them liked talking about Glimmer's mother. She had given her life to stop the end of the world event that Catra had caused.
"...gave her life, Adora and I went through a rough patch. In the end, I didn't trust Adora and I wasn't on her side when she said we couldn't use the heart of Etheria." Glimmer stopped staring at the floor and looked up to the feline. "And I paid the price. All of Etheria did..."
Catra didn't say anything as they both looked at the floor again. She didn't have to tell Glimmer all the things she had done when she wasn't on Adora's side. She didn't plan to.
"Second of all. " Glimmer said looking into Catra's blue eye. "I never got to say thank you"
Catra frowned.
"For saving my life. Even if you've done some bad things, and you didn't do it for me, you still saved me. And I just want to say thank you."
Glimmer got up to leave.
"Seeing as though I saved you, I guess we're even" Glimmer said before leaving, but Catra huffed at her.
"Adora saved me. Don't flatter yourself, princess"
Glimmer chuckled at the truth. She tried to come up with a witty response, but failed.

Wow, she thought to herself as the door closed behind her, Catra has cake.

That was supposed to be better, sorry. I hope you see why Catra was mad at Glimmer though.

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