Wars Within

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What do we do when the fear that we hide from

is hiding inside us waiting to pull is into the glum

abyss that is held trapped in our minds

what do you do with all that knowledge that the inner dark finds

all those memories twisted and misshapen

when all we can do is sit and become increasingly laden

with all of these thoughts and worries

that can not be shaken remaining as nightmarish stories

of what will happen if we slip and fall

and when that happens it will be like you have never existed at all

for all that is left is a husk of you

a shattered image unfixable, held together by emotional glue

with more and more slipping away

never to be seen another day

so when we are scared of the dark outside our walls

when all that should scare us are inside our mental halls

watching, waiting, anticipating and willing

our collapse into a nightmare with no waking

fulfilling the Darkness in our minds desires and joy

but the darkness will never win and turn you into its chew toy

for within us all there is a force that can topple anything

and take back our minds and be free from darkness' sting

for to match the dark there is light in equal measure

and in fighting for us it gains immense pleasure

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