Symphony of Nature

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The clouds are drifting through the skies

as the sun leaves the ground out to dry

Birds are singing in unison filling the air with song

the sound travelling across the land remaining strong

leaves are travelling, dipping and rising in a whirlwind of colour

seemingly dancing with an increasing fervour

The beaches are adding their own verse now

waves crashing on rocks mimicking an angry row,

in competition to get the louder sound

while fish jump from the seas in leaps and bounds

adding their own quieter undertone

while rubble falls in travelling far from the cliffs thrown

Finally the trees add to the growing song as we begin to immerse

in the sounds that separate verse from verse

rustling as their leaves follow the ever swaying limbs

and in unison form a solemn hymn

as one of their own own falls to the ground

leaving the finale as one loud pound

This is the symphony of nature

ever growing and ever reaching further

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