Between the Lines

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Malicious politicians pontificating fallacies

as they try to sell you their new social policies

"We are going to change the mess left by the past

and we are going to do this fast

we are going to take money from those who have none

and leave those who line our pockets for they have won

the hearts of our wallets and our accounts

Oh sorry what was I meant to recount?

Oh yes! how to save our beloved country,

now I am afraid that I must tell you most gravely

that we are privatizing your schools

and rising the cost of your fuels

so that we can get out of the mess that we are in

so please don't throw our leaflets in that bin

we are here for all the middle class whities

who cares about all those other minority parties

we are better than everyone else

and do not say we are spreading tall tales

for we will fix broken Britain

and we will be seen in all the papers we have written

as the best thing to happen for everyone

and by that I mean everyone that's worth more than one

million that they must invest solely in ourselves

and with the utmost severity and overtness

we will go back on everything that we have promised.

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