Off Your Knees, If You Please

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A moment of your attention if you would please

Don't worry no need to get off your knees

stay down there and submit to the corrupt system

Maybe you'll change your decision after you've been given some wisdom

If I asked you the question of what do you do

how many of you would say and it be true

that it is something that you enjoy

and you love where it is that you are employed

simple skills in an unstable position

where you sit every day waiting for the transition

from employment to retirement

where you seek some emotional betterment

in the twilight years of your life

maybe spending more time with your husband or wife

or with children that are still under the indoctrination of capitalism

in the process of further tuition

in the ways that they can better the balance of the rich

while they still look up to the stars and wish

for less troubles for you, their parents

in affording to pay for food and rent

because you aren't getting paid enough

to get all of your family through the rough

and while everyone knows that times are tough

they do not understand the hunger you always feel

as you've been skipping the past weeks meals

so that your children can go to be fulfilled

so that they can have a Christmas filled

with presents underneath their second hand tree

so at night when you lay in bed thinking of being free

of debts and worries of food and eviction decrees

wishing for enough help from those that have made it too a good profession

to get themselves through these numerous recessions

but then that help doesn't come to you

and you have no idea how you'll make it through

so while you are on your knees willing to please

remember who is in control of your outrageous fees

for fuel and basic necessities

so stand up and fight for a better living

for if you don't, who else would be willing?

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