Lost In Evolution

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Cracks appear in this mirage

A sign I can no longer maintain a facade

no longer pretending to be something else

disappearing with no trace as the lies melt

and turns into something else

and turn into something more

to the point that I don't remember what they were here for

only that, struggle to know where one ends

and the other starts like spare parts mends

and those parts remain

slowly replacing becoming the bane

of who I used to be

and I don't know what me is me

when I tried so hard to be better

but I think I'll need my own Rosetta

to try and translate the different parts

into what I had back at the start

Do I even want to know what that is?

Or would I miss this,

this thing that I have become, I don't know

I guess we will have to wait for the end of the show

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