Carry On

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The world seems dark and engulfing

The light and waning and dying

The fear rising and rising

As hope is falling and falling

The will to continue is nowhere to be seen

As eyes flutter from scene to scene

With tears gleaming down from cheek to floor

As you witness it getting more and more

Terrifying and harmful to your sanity

As you try to shield your senses from this profanity

With no semblance of reality or time

And an inability to tell lemon from lime

You retreat into a fortress of solitude

Hiding from the world with no longitude or latitude

Until you notice a little voice inside your head

That in a comforting voice every night before bed

Tells you to carry on through all of the trials

And to bat away surrender with an unwavering denial

For we all know that in the end

When we finally realize what is around the bend

That everything will fall into place

When we cross the finish line of this long race

And collapse in exhaustion from the rising pace

And you finally find your eternal peace

All of the troubles will take on the least

Amount of priority compared to all the other memories you have to share

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