Threads of Fate

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The kids are running down the road

unaware of the future that has been sowed

no real choices await them in the future

no chance of changing the world now passed its overture

there is no hope for the salvation of our race

as a life that could be filled with innovation goes to waste

as ability is based not on the person but on their post code

and while the ice constantly erodes

no cares unless they can make a quick buck

in fear mongering sales or a quick fuck

out of acting affected as an Eco warrior

that can be better described as a torturer

as you play with the emotions of the masses

for the sake of filling up your golden glasses

with the blood money of the poor

so tell me what is it all for

you selfish arrogant few

so here we are with some thoughts for you to chew

if we are all gone because of preventable events

where will you pitch your money making tents?

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