Chapter 13-Flash to the Past

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"Come on Jinx, hurry up!" 16 year old Corrigan called to her younger friend of 12 years, "We're going to be late if you don't!"

"I'm coming, geez." 12 year old Jinx said from behind her, "You know I can't run as fast as you!" Finally they came to their destinastion. "Wow..." Jinx said breathless, "Its huge."

"I know right." Corrigan said smiling, "And your going to be going here, with me."

"And Tawny." Jinx said in a matter-of-fact voice

"Of course, Tawny too." Corrigan said, and then she grabbed Jinx's hand and pulled her along, "Come on, we don't want to be late!"

"Alright, alright." Jinx said, "You know, I think your more exicited about this then I am."

"Noncence, of course I'm not..." Jinx gave her a look. "Alright, maybe a little, but its just so exiciting!"

A few hours later (after a bunch of boring lectures and rules).

"So are you happy, scared, sad, mad-" 

"Why would I be sad or mad?" Jinx said cutting Corrigan off

Corrigan shurgged her shoulders and replied, "I don't know, maybe you were."

 Jinx shook her head and smiled a bit at her friends weridness, and then was tapped on the shoulder by a leafy hand.

"Tawny!" Jinx said and she huged the plant humaniod, "Your here!"

"Of course I am, I said I was going to come here." Tawny said returning the hug, and then Jinx pulled away and smiled up at her.

"Nice to see you agian, Tawny." Corrigan said to the taller girl.

"Nice to see you agian aswell, Corrigan." Tawny said

"I think this is going to be fun!" Jinx said and she grabbed both of the girls arms and pulled them to the staris that led to the dorms. "Just you wait."

4 Years Later

"Jenevieve Pierce to the headmaster's office, I repeat, Jenevieve Pierce to the headmaster's office." The lady said threw the speakers and the whole class turned and looked at Jinx and said girl slumped down in her seat.

"Jenevieve." the Pofesser said to the 16 year old, "You heard the speaker, go to the office."

"Fine..." Jinx mummbled and she grabbed her papers and her tablet and walked out of the class, with all her classmates eyes burning into her back. Great, Jinx thought, just great, now what. I don't remember doing anything...

Jinx walked down the abanded halls of the Xanderian Cadet School, thinking about why in hell would he want to see her know. Probable to blame me for something I didn't do. Jinx thought agian. Then she found herself outside of the headmaster's office, she was about to knock when the door open to the familiar room with white walls that strangly reminded her of a intarigation room.

"Ah, Jenevieve, come in, come in." headmaster Duke said as she walked in. Jinx walked farther into the office and saw that they weren't alone.

"Good afternoon Jenevieve." The older woman said

"Hi...?" Jinx said confused, "Sorry, who are you?"

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