Chapter 10-Near Death Experience?

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Jinx' POV

It felt weird, like I was floating. My hands were numb and I couldn't feel anything around me. I wanted to move and walk, but my feet were unresponsive. I tried calling out for anyone, but my mouth was clamped shut.

I noticed that there was light. Very bright light. My body wanted to go to it but my mind off told me no.

"Jenavieve," I heard a voice say. "come here." I started to walk to the voice, but then another voice called to me from the other side of me.

"Jenavieve," it said "do not go that way child" it said and I stopped and looked that way instead. And I saw a beautiful lady in all white, snow white that could blind, but I wasn't effected some how. "Hello Jenaveive," she said in a soft voice "my name is Xadea, Goddess of Life" she said to me. I was surprised, I'm I dead? Ithought to myself, I can't be dead! I'm only 28! "I can assure you that you are not dead" The Goddess said.

"Did you just read my mind?" I said, I was starting to get annoyed with this so called Goddess.

"Yes I can, and you are not dead, you are on the virge of it though"

I thought for a moment and then I said "But wait," She turned to me, and when I was sure I had her attention I continued "if your the Goddess of life, how do you know that I'm on the virge of dieing?" her beautiful face turned into a frown and when she was about to say something something or someone interupted her.

"Hahaha," the voice said and I turned around and saw another beautiful lady, but she had a weird creepy smile and she had black eyes that shouted 'DEATH'. "oh Xadea," she said chuckling "do you really think you can save this girl? I always win, no one can say no to death!" she said, and then laughed a evil laugh.

"Well then, I guess I'm the first" I said, smirking "I so don't want to die"

"Leave Sytenta" Xadea said frowning still

"I will get you one day Xadea." Sytenta said and then she turned to me "And you," and she pointed a finger at me "I will see you soon, and next time she won't be here to save you!" and then she dissapered into thin air.

"It's time for you to leave" Xadea said to me and I felt myself being lifted up and everything became foggy.

"Wait!" I yelled "What did she mean!?" but it was to late I blacked out...


Corrigan's POV

She hasn't woken up yet.

It's been a week since the battle and Jinx went into a coma instently and I havn't left her hospital bedside since. Neither has Tawny, we both feel so bad.

"I shoud of stayed with her." I said quietly "It's all my fault" I felt tears prickling in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away. I can't cry, I can't cry. It's weak and Jinx wouldn't want me to be weak. I thought as I started at her emotionless face. And then something happened...

She moved!

Her hand moved a bit, and then her eyebrows. Then her eyes opened, oh how I missed her purple eyes.

"...ugh..." she said "What happened? Where am I?" I pounced on her and gave her a big hug and when I was done Tawny said

"Do you remember anything?" Tawny asked her.

"" Jinx said "I remember going out and fighting the Cree and Rangers. Oh! And finding Rocket, but...everything after that is a blur."

Tawny and I looked at each other from accrose the room and we both nodded.

"What...?" Jinx asked suspiciously

"Oh nothing." I said

"Oh shit!" Jinx said more to herself then us "Are they alright? The guardians I mean."

"Oh yeah their fine," Tawny said "just a couple of scratches is all."

Jinx let out a sigh of relief. "That's good." She said and then she plopped down on the bed again. "So, what exactly happened?" She asked

"You almost got yourself killed." I said to her "If Rocket hadn't gotten to us in time I don't know what could of happened!"

Jinx just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. "So...what your trying to say is that I almost died? Oh ok, but what happened?"

"I'm not going to answer that." I said and then I stood up and went to the door. "I'm going to go and find the doctor, be right back."

"I said something wrong didn't I?"



Ok so this is the next chapter! Yay:)!

I hope you liked it and don't forget to vote, comment and follow:)

Oh and before I forget. I just posted a new story called, -Wings and Wolf (A TMNT Raph and Leo Love Story)- please go and check it out, it means a lot to me:)



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