Chapter 22-What Just Happened?

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3rd Person POV

Jinx faced the other people in the room and said again, "Nova Corps lied to me, to us. To everyone that thought they were good," Jinx paused, "their not."

"W-what are you talking about Jinx?" Corrigan said, the news hitting her hard. Her gut felt like it was being punshed over and over.

"When Rocket and I were in the control room," Jinx said, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I downloaded the whole archeives on to this flashdrive," she pointed to the red object that was in the computer.

"What does all of this mean?" Tawny asked from her spot beside Groot on the far left of the room.

Jinx turned back to the screen that was showing a long article, "It's saying that Nova Core has been working with Ragnarok this whole time."

"How long?" Gamora asked, a frown on her beuatiful green face.

"Since the battle at Xander, were you guys saved the planet," Jinx said. "So about 6 months," Jinx looked down at her feet and sighed. "And there's another thing..." All eyes were turned once again to the leader of the Alpha Team, who was still looking at her feet as if they were the most important thing in the world.

"Jinx?" Tawny asked. "What is it?" The humaniod looked at her friend with a concered look.

"Um..." Jinx looked around the room in worry, "there's something that Carol gave to me before we came here..."

"Geez Jinx!" Rocket said. "Spit it out already!"

Jinx took one more glance around the room and then brought out a necklace that was hiden under her shirt. The Guardians gasped and backed away a little when they saw what it was.

"Is-is that what I think it is?" Quill asked, eyes wide with worry.

"I-I think so," Jinx sighed and put the necklace on the table and stared at it as if it had biten her. The necklaces gem was cut into a diamond shape, roughly a bottle-cap size. The cain was silver and went into the diamond at the top, making the gem twril around like one of those toys you use at Hanaka. And were it sat in front of probably the deadliest people in the galaxy, you could see the purple hue glow around the room.

"Why would they give that to you?" Rocket said in a hushed tone

"To test it," Jinx said, still looking at the necklace with disgust.

"What do you mean?" Gamora asked also starring, along with everyone else in the room, at the purple necklace. She then turned her eyes to the tall blonde at the front of the room. "Why would they need to...test it? Isn't it just powerful, and no one mortal can control it."

Jinx sighed and then ran a hand threw her hair, "Well, because it's in a protected seal, it doesn't touch my skin. And therefore, I can't be harmed by it."

"But," Corrigan said, "if they wanted to test it..." she looked up at Jinx. "Why choose you? I mean, not to be rude, but you're not immortal. And if it kills people when they touch it..."

"Thats the thing," Jinx said, "Nova Core found out that, if they put a bit of the stone in another gem or stone or whatever," she heisitated. "The person that wears it, will get some sort of inhuman powers."

"That is what the file said?" Drax asked, putting an arm around Corrigan, who was starring at the ground with a fornlorn look.

"Yes," Jinx said, the motion had not gone unoticed by the woman, and she smiled at her best friend (even if she didn't see it). "That's what it said, along with the reasons I was choosen...and why they wanted to test it in the first place."

"Well?" Rocket asked. "Why did they want to test it?"


"Stop stop!" Tawny said standing up. All eyes turned to the tree humaniod woman who was fuming, a face that no one has ever seen before.

"Tawny--" Jinx started to say but was cut off.

"No, I won't listen," Tawny said, sounding close to tears. "Carol wouldn't allow it! She isn't, she isn't..." Tawny shook her head and ran out of the room.

"Tawny!" Jinx yelled, about to go after her, but a hand landed on her shoulder. The blonde turned to see a blue face with tattoos.

"Let her go Jinx, she needs time to think," Corrigan said sadly. Jinx nodded and then went back to the front of the room. All the guardians looked away from the door that Tawny disapeared into and paid attention agian.

"I think everyone should go to sleep," Jinx said, not meeting anyones eye. "I think we all need a bit of a...break."

Everyone nodded and then stood up, streching and then heading towards the bedrooms. The conversation still invading their minds. But between all the humble-jumble the one question that was still on everyone's mind was, what were they going to do? Jinx stayed, and then turned to the necklace agian, debating whether of not to take the necklace or leave it here...

"Take it to your room, you don't know what will happen if you leave it here," a vocie said from behind her. Jinx turned to see Rocket behind her. He looked up at her and smiled a little.

"Yea, I'll do that," she reached out to the necklace and quickly snatched it and put it in her pocket and faced Rocket again. "Thanks," she said.

"For what?" the raccoon asked confused.

"For contacting the others back there, I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't saw them there," Jinx sighed, "Even though the reason I ran out of the battle was because Ragnarok set off something so that his ship would self-destruct."

"Then why are you saying thanks?" Rocket asked again.

 "Because now I know that you're not a cold-hearted-know-it-all-who-thinks-he's-the-best. So thanks," Jinx leaned down and patted his head, realizing that the fur was really soft. And then she walked out, leaving a quiet Rocket behind her.


Rockets POV

Sometimes I just like to sleep in, and just not think about anything and not do anything. Not listen to Quill "Star-Baby" yelling at me for leaving my bombs on the ground (seriously though? I don't get what the problem is! It's not like they'll explode or anything..."). Or hear (ignore) Drax try and talk to me or someone else. All I wanted was to SLEEP!

And no, that's not. going. to. happen!

I was awoken to the fact that I was thrown out of my bed by a invisible force. I yelled out as I was thrown to the floor.

"What the hell?!" I yelled. Rule number one! Don't, under any circumstances, wake Rocket when his trying to sleep!

"Grab him," a monotone voice said and I felt two pairs of hands grab me, one around each arm. I wiggled and squirmed, but to no luck. These guys were strong.

"Let me go!" I heard someone yell from outside the door. Jinx! And the others? Where were they!?

 "Sir!" a man yelled from outside, "Some help would be appreciated!"

"Yes, yes, one moment," he then turned to me and before I could get a good look at him.

The blackness consumed me...


So! That happened! I wonder who it is...?

And is Ragnarok dead? I don't know! (Well, I do know)

 Anyway, see you guys later. And could you cheek out my other book?! PWEESE!


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