Chapter 29-It's finally over...

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  "There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story."

-Frank Herbert

Jinx's POV

I woke up, hopefully for the last time, in the hospital. But who I'm I kidding? Half my life will probably be spent in a hospital. The white walls seemed to mock me, saying stuff like: "Oh well, look who it is! The patient that never seems to leave." "What'd you do this time? With your luck, you probably fell off a bridge!"

Morphine sucks.

I slowly sat up and looked around to see if anyone was in the room with me. Either in a white bed or on a hard plastic chair. But there was no one. I was all alone in the room, the only things were the flowers and the radio on my side table.

I sighed and slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed. If no one was gonna come to me, I'll just go to them.

Well, it did seem like a good idea at the time...

As soon as I managed to stand up and grab the stand with all the bags of liquids, I walked to the door, but before I could make it out of the room. A robot-nurse stopped me in the hallway.

"Miss Jenevieve Pierce," her monotone voice spoke to me, she grabbed my arm and lead me back to my room. "If you needed anything, you could have just pressed the button to call me. It is beside your bed, quite close for obvious reasons."

"My-my friends, um...where are they? Do you know?" I asked as she pushed me gently onto the bed. She drew the soft linens up to my chest, 

"They are all well and resting, they are a perfect example of what you should be doing. Please lie down Miss Peirce," the nurse direct pushed me down by the shoulders as I went to sit up again.

"They're all fine?" I asked, finally lying back down on the uncomfortable hospital bed. 

"Yes, Miss Pierce," the nurse turned to leave but stopped at the door to look back at me. "Now, get some sleep."

I awoke, I think it was the next morning, with a pounding headache. I looked around the now sunlit room. I then remembered that I needed to go to my friends. I slowly sat up in the bed, but before I could get out, the metal door of the room slide open.

"Don't even think about it," the nurse from the previous night(?) said as she wheeled a cart full of the disgusting hospital food. I grimaced as she brought in closer. "Don't give me that look, you will eat this food. And I am not leaving until you do."

I scowl at her and slowly ate the mushed-up-something-rather. "I thought robot nurses are supposed to be nice..." I mumbled as I finished the last of the unrecognisable 'food'. At that, the nurse froze, she put down the finished food on the cart (with a little to much force). 

She glared at me, as much as her metal face could, and walked out of the room pushing the cart in front of her. "Oh, by the way," she said, a bit forcefully. "All of your teammates are awake and stable. You can go see them. Rooms 239 and 240. There are clothes on the chair over there. You can also take out the needles." And she walked out of the room.

I stared at the door for a minute or two, processing what she had said. A small smile formed on my face and I quickly (as I could) stood up and changed into the clothes on the plastic chair. There was a pair of black tights and an oversized sweater that actually was really comfortable.

The hallways were abuzz with nurses and doctors. I managed to sneak past everyone without them stopping me. When I reached the first door, 239, I stood outside of it for a moment. I felt scared. Wow, Jenevieve 'Jinx' Pierce, scared of her friends. I've faced monsters on practically every planet that the Government knows about (but we all know how reliable they are). But then it dawned on me. It was my fault. Everything. 

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