Chapter 16-Argrarth

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Jinx's POV

I wonder what Rocket was talking about... I thought to myself as I walked down the hall to wake the others. I mean, like, it dose't make sense! I shocked my head as I approached Tawny's room. Stop it Jinx, it dosen't matter.

"Wake up!" I called from outside of the door, "You need to wake up T!"

"Coming, coming." Tawny said and she opened the door, "Geez, calm down."

"Morning," I said, "We're almost there, so you might want to have something to eat."

"Ok..." and she walked past me to the kitchen.

"Alright." I said to myself, "Time to wake the beast..." I walked up to Corrigan's room and opened the door slowly. "Corr?" I asked into the darkness, "Time to wake up."

"Go away." I heard her mumble.

I shocked my head, "I can't do that, we're almost there. So get up." And I walked out, trusting her to get up. As I made my way to Gamora's room, she walked right out.

"Oh, good morning." she said

"Hi." I said, "Good sleep?"

She nodded her head, smiling slightly, "I am going to eat." and she walked past me and I followed. What? I'm hungry to, ya know.

As we walked into the kitchen, Corrigan and Tawny were both there. Tawny was trying to get Corrigan to eat something. "Come on Corr, you need to eat."

"I'm not hungry." Corrigan said and Tawny slumped her shoulders.

"Don't worry about it T." I said and I grabbed a plate of something. "She can starve if she wants." and then I sat down and started to eat.

After a while the four of us were just eating in comfortable silence and then we heard a yell from the cock pit. "Guys!" It was Quill. We all looked at each other and then rushed up the stairs, completely forgetting about our food.

"What is it?" Gamora asked as we rushed in.

"We're here." Drax said, not turning around. We all walked up to the front and we all gasped...

"What. The. Hell." I said 

"Agreed." Corrigan said and we looked at each other.

In front of our ship, was a huge ship, hovering above the red coloured planet. Bigger then the one that the Guardians saved us from. It was black and grey, and had huge guns and tons of smaller ships circling it, all of them having missiles and bombs. And another thing, from what I could see (because I'm a mechanical expert) there was a force-field.

"I think we need back up." Tawny said.

"Yes I think that is a very intelligent idea." Drax said.

"Yup." Quill said not tearing his eyes away from the scene out there.

"No." I said, all eyes turning to me. "We're doing what we were here to do, and that was to find information about Ragnarok and stop him."

"Are you crazy!" Rocket yelled at me, "That's suicide, going in there. We'll all die before we even get past the front doors!"

"We'll have to try." I turned them, "We were giving a mission, and I plan to fulfill it. And if you guys won't come with me, I'll do it alone." Everyone looked to the others.

"I'm with you." Corrigan said, "Your one of my best friends, and were every you go, I go." I smiled at her.

"Me too." Tawny said and she stood by me as well.

"I will come with you Jinx. You are a brave woman." and Gamora stood beside me too.

"Yea I guess." Quill said.

"I will accompany you." Drax said and all eyes then turned to Rocket.

He glared at me, and I glared right back. "Your a crazy woman." he said, "But, you'll need me, so I'll come." I smirked at him and he did the same.

I then faced everyone, "This is going to be hard, but I know we can do it." I looked to Corrigan and Tawny, they were smiling. "You all ready?"

I heard a jumble of replies and I smiled a bit, "Then what are we waiting for? Lets get started..."


Hey!! Hows is everyone??

I hope you liked this chapter. I know it's so short, but the next one will be longer! I hope you guys will forgive me for not being updating. I just got back from test after test after test. But I survived! 





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