Chapter 20-Ragnarok and Jinx

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Jinx's POV

Have you every had a moment in your life, were you just let everything go? You don't think about anything or anyone, you just do what your gut tells you? That was what was happening to me right know. As I was running up to Ragnarok with my swords drawn, these thoughts were going through my head. I wasn't me, I was...something else. I couldn't control my actions. I was a fighting machine, I didn't know where I was or what I was doing. I could here shouts coming from behind me, but I paid them no heed.

The truth was, I wanted to get in and out. I really did! But when I saw him, Ragnarok that is, I just...snapped. He was the one who caused the people of Xander pain and suffering. He was the one who killed innocent people for fun! He was the one who almost, on many ocations, has almost killed my best friends...

"AHHH!" I yelled at him as I swung down at him with my twin swords. I wasn't going to show any mercy.

Rocket's POV

She's crazy.

That was the only thing that was going through my head as Jinx ran at Ragnarok. That's his name, right?

Whatever, it doesn't matter. I need to get the others. Maybe they could stop her. But at the same time, I didn't want to leave her...

What am I thinking!? I don't care...right?

I can't think about that right know. I need to get the others. I turned around and ran to the door. I didn't really need to though, all the aliens where to focused on Jinx and Ragnarok. I hope she's alright...No! Snap out of it Rocket! You need to focuse on the task at hand!

I ran out of the door and kept on running. I reached to my wrist watch (of my on invention) and pressed the butten to contact Tawny and Groot. They had to hurry. I couldn't just let her die...I wasn't going soft, I swear! I just didn't want to face the wrath of Corrigan...

I shock my head as I was running. I couldn't think about that, I had to get the ship!

"Rocket come in." I heard Tawny in my head.


"We're on our way. What's the issue?" She asked me. I sighed as I saw the ship in the distance, well, kind of.

"It' Jinx," I said, and obviously I didn't need to explain anymore, because I Tawny responded emiditly.

"Were coming, don't do anything stupid. Alright?" she said

"Trust me," I said, "Jinx's already done something stupid."

Tawny swore under her breath, "Why doesn't that surprise me?" She chuckled. "I'll get the other to get there as well, have some patience."

I nodded, but then remembered that she couldn't see me, "Don't worry."

"It's not Jinx I'm worried about," she said. "Tawny over and out." and then she hung up.

What did she mean by that? I wondered, Whatever, don't think about it Rocket. I shook my head agian, and then walked back to the door to wait for the others. Lets just hope that we're not to late...

Tawny POV (Change!)

I always knew that Jinx could be an idoit. It was just in her nature. But this? This was different. Jinx would never fight unless she needed to. She was a reasonable person, never advancing unless needed. But as the rest of us joined Rocket by the door outside, still not guarded (they really needed to step up their security), I wasn't prepared for what we saw on the other side...

We all snuck through the door and tried to spot Jinx, which wasn't very hard. Just look out for the explosions and clashings of swords. And of course the crowd of Aliens.

Jinx was standing her ground with Ragnarok. They both had lost their swords and where relaying on their combat skills. Luckaly for Jinx, she was the top of her class for combat...and know if I think about it. She was the top of her class for everything.

"What are we going to do?" Gamora asked.

"I don't know..." Corrigan said sadly. "I guess we can just wait until one of them wins."

"Are you sure?" I asked her. "Jinx is a great fighter, really, but do you think that she can win aganist Ragnarok?"

"We just have to wait and see," Corrigan said. "I believe in her." Corrigan turned her head back to the fight that was going on. So far, it looked like Jinx was winning, but Ragnarok wasn't going down that easy.

"Please be alright..." I whispered under my breath. "We need you here..."


HEY!! I'm alive and well in case you were wondering:) I just couldn't update because I was so so bloody busy!

I had to study for my first exams ever! But, now I'm done and I don't have anything for a while, except next week I have to go on a three day camping trip with my school...:( So I can't update than. (Because they don't want any electronics coming along.

Anyways, I hope you liked this part:)

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Thanks for reading!


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