Chapter 19-The Fork in the Road...

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Jinx's POV

I looked at the screen in shock. This...this is impossible! It can't be... I though to myself but then my line of thought was interrupted by a voice in the distance.

"Jinx!" the voice called, "Hey! Idiot! Snap out of it!"

I knew that voice...Rocket! And then I came back to the land of the living. Rocket was standing on the counter of the control panel and was about to smack me in the face but I blocked it.

"Were you going to hit me in the face!?" I asked outraged, "I wasn't that out of it!"

Rocket gave me a pointed look, "Yes, actually, you were." I glared at him and then took out the flash-drive that Tawny give me and while pushing Rocket out of the way, I stuck it in the panel.

"What're you doing?" he asked, confused.

"My job." I said, not giving any extra information.

I felt Rockets eyes burning in the back of me head, but I ignored him. When the all the information was transferred on to the drive, I put in back in my pocket.

"T?" I asked into the earpiece, "You there?"

"Yup. You ready?"


"Good." I could practically hear her smirking, "I was getting bored. Even though Groot's very good company."

"We're ready." I said and I looked to Rocket, who was just prepping his gun just in case. I did they same.

"Ok. I'll call the others. Just start making your way to the door." Tawny said.

"Copy that. See you soon."

"See you."

And with that, Rocket and I walked out of the control room. Being careful of all the stunned alien bodies littering the ground in the room. When we came to the hall, we pulled out our guns and again, carefully walked down the hallway. Making our way to the secret door.

But as we were walking, something weird happened...we came to a fork in the hallways.

"Um..." I said, "Th-This, wasn't here before...right?" I looked to Rocket and he looked deep in thought. "Uh, Rocket?" I waved a hand in front of his face. "You there?"

"Huh?" he asked. I gave him a look.

"I said, this wasn't here before? Right?" I studied his face and then he frowned.

"No, no it wasn't." then he grabbed his gun from his back.

"Um...Tawny?" I asked into the earpiece, "We, well, there's an issue down here..." I trailed off.

"What is it this time?" she asked sighing.

"Well..." I rubbed the back of my neck, even though I knew she couldn't see me. "There's a fork in the road, and we don't know which way to go..."

Tawny sighed again and then said, "One sec." and then the line went dead.

"Well?" Rocket asked, "Which way?"

"She's checking." I said. And then a very awkward silence came up. I tried to look at Rocket, but he didn't meet my gaze. Then I started to play with my hands and just tried to look everywhere but were the rodent was standing.

"Jinx?" the voice in my ear startled me into jumping in the air.

"Uh, yea? Did you find the way?" I asked.

"Yea I did, but your not going to like it..." she said uncertainty.

"What is it...?" I asked. Scared to know what we had to do...

"You have to go through the central docking area."


"This is crazy!" Rocket whispered-yelled to me, "We'll never get passed!"

"We have to try." I said to him, "We can't give up." I scanned the docking area, there were tons of ships everywhere. All of them different sizes and shapes. And there were lots of the weird aliens walking around every which way.

"Does Tawny know were the others are?" Rocket asked.

I smirked at him, "Oh what's this? Mr. I-Don't-Care-For-Anyone actually cares where the others are?"

He glared at me and I just smiled back. "I don't...but where are they?" I laughed quietly. Even if we were hiding behind some crates, I didn't want to be to loud.

"Their all out. Don't worry."

"I wasn't worrying." he grumbled, "And another question. Why couldn't we just back track to the door?"

"Because, Tawny said that there were some guards there again. We could risk it." I then put away my gun, and pointed to an door on the far side of the docking area. "That's were we have to go. That's were Tawny will be."

"Ok." Rocket said, "Let's do this!"

I smiled at him, "Yea...lets do this!"

And, keeping to the shadows, me and Rocket stalked through the area. We were almost at the door without anyone spotting us, until...

"What?! What do you mean it we've been hacked?!" I heard a voice across the way. "Who did it?!" Ragnarok. I snarled at him. And Rocket noticed.

"What?" He asked and then looked to were I was looking. "Oh no..." he said, turning back to me. I was already reaching for me weapons, my twin swords that is. "Jinx?" he asked, "Come on, were almost there."

"No." I said, "I demand a rematch." and I stepped out of the shadows...

"Ragnarok!!" I yelled, "I'm the hacker. Come and get me." I glared at him. Then I lunged...


Hello!! I'm so sorry for not updating! I've been so busy and not very inspired:(

But anyways, thanks for reading:)

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