Chapter 28-Battle

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Jinx's POV

Everything was burning.

Everything was falling around me. I could barely see anything and everyone was gone.

And it was all my fault...


We were standing on the ship, looking down on the burning Academy. I felt my heart being squeezed in my chest as I tried not to cry.

Or get mad. Either option was looking really good right about now. I hated this...this feeling of helplessness. This place was my childhood home, this is where I learned all I know now. I learned how to fight, how to fend for myself and I learned how to love and trust again.

"Jinx?" Corrigan appeared beside me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah...I guess," I mumbled, still trying hard not to cry. Corrigan put a hand on my shoulder, I suppose it was to be a calming gesture, but it didn't help much.

"It'll be alright, I promise," Corrigan squeezed my shoulder tightly and then let go.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Cor," I tried to smirk, but it probably came out more as a wince.

"Shut up, don't be so depressing. You don't want me to get sad now," Corrigan smiled sadly.

"We'll be landing soon!" Quill called from up front. I felt the ship slowly descend onto the outside of the giant castle-like school. But as Quill was looking for a place to land, I saw a figure flash in the courtyard.

"Wait!" I said, turning to face the front of The Milano. "Land in the courtyard. I saw something or someone."

"Are you sure?" Shawn asked me, standing beside me. "It could've been anything."

"No I'm sure, I think it was Ragnarok," I turned to face Shawn. "Shawn, I need you to go with your team and make sure that all the staff and the children are out of the Academy. Promise me."

Shawn seemed to hesitate, but he nodded anyway. "Alright people, hook up and get ready to go down!" Shawn's team quickly acted to their leaders instructions and in moments, the Beta Team was on top of the Academy's roof and running across. I took one last look at Shawn before he too, was jumping onto the roof.

"Alright Quill," I called to the front, "time to land."

"You got it Jinx."

But as we passed over the roof of the Academy and over top of the courtyard. There was whistling noise, and I felt the impacted before the fall. And The Milano was falling to the ground of the courtyard.

And I believe this is where I left off. Or, that was after I woke up.

You get it, everything was burning and I guess I got thrown out of ship before it crashed, because I couldn't see anyone. Or maybe it was just the fire that was all around me.

As I looked around at my surroundings (like I was taught to do), I saw a tall figure walking in front of me.

"Drax?" I called out. No, this figure was to lean. "Quill?" I tried again, still no response. And before I could guess a third time, a voice I that had been in my nightmares called out to me.

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