Chapter 11-Recovery and The Plan...

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Corrigan's POV

How could she just think that we wouldn't worry? I mean she didn't care that she almost died! What the hell!! She never thinks of herself and she doesn't think about how other people would feel if she died! I was furius! Jinx is one of my best friends and my family! I don't know what I would do if she died. All of this was going through my head, so I didn't realize until so late that I bumped into someone.

"Oh, Corrigan!" the voice said and I turned my head to see not one, but four people either sitting or standing by me. I had bumped into Quill.

"Hello." I said and I faked a smile "Wheres Groot?"

"He stayed behind." Rocket said

I nodded my head, and then smiled. "So are you here to see Jinx?"

"Yes," Gamora said "if thats alright."

"Of course, come this way." and we all walked back to Jinx' room.


3rd person POV

"What did I say?" Jinx asked Tawny

Tawny gave her a look and shock her head. "You really don't know do you?" Jinx shock her head. Tawny sighed, "She dosen't like it when you talk about dieing and when you say that you don't care if you die."

"Oh..." Jinx said and she looked down at her hands, "I don't mean to, ya know, I just want to protect you both..." she trailed off. Tawny sent her a pity look and then put a planty hand on Jinx's shoulder.

"It's alright." she said as Jinx looked up, "just, when Corrigan comes back in, tell her your sorry-" Tawny was cut off by the door being opened.

"Hi!" Quill walked in first and waved at them, "How's it going?"

"Oh you know, sitting on my ass and being hooked up to a bunch of machines, its the life!" Jinx said sarcastically, and earning a smack on the head from Tawny.

"Shes fine." said Tawny and she sent Jinx a warning look, and when she turned her head Jinx stuck out her tounge.

"I see..." Gamora said as she walked in, "It's nice to see you in one piece." and she smiled a bit.

"Thanks." Jinx said. And then she saw Corrigan, who was looking down not meeting her eyes. "Corrigan?" Jinx asked, "I' well..." and then Tawny sent her a look, and Jinx glared at her and continued, "I'm...damn it! I'm sorry alright!" and she crossed her arms and looked away.

"Why do I feel like her and Rocket are, like, the same." Quill said and Rocket and Jinx sent him a glare. "See! They just glared at the same time!"

Jinx was growling, "If I wasn't in this would be soooo dead."

Quill back up a bit.

"Sorry," and he gulped.

Time skip

It took about another week before Jinx got out of the hospital, and lets say that she was very cranky.

"I don't want to go to a stupid meeting!" Jinx yelled to the sky as Corrigan and Tawny practically dragged her to the board room for a meeting about the problem about the Cree and Rangers attacking.

"You have to come!" Corrigan yelled back, "It's your duty to come because your the leader!" Corrigan as you can see is really pissed off because of Jinx's behavior.

"Come on Jinx!" Tawny said, "It's not that bad." Jinx sent her a glare.

"Yes it is!"

Eventually, they got to the board room and they sat down at their spots, across from the guardians. Prime Minister Welch started up the meeting.

"Hello everyone," she said and everyone looked to her, "it's very good to see that you all could make it. We are here today to talk about the problem we are facing." and she made a gesture with her hand and the projector turned on and it opened to a picture of Ragnarok. "This is the new promoted leader of the Cree, Ragnarok. He is very dangerous and is a threat to everyone, we must stop him from ever coming here or anywhere agian-"

"And how are we supossed to do that?" one of the leaders asked.

"If you would let her finish, you might know." Jinx said under her breath, but the male leader heard.

"You have something to say girlie?" he asked

"What did you call me?!" Jinx said standing up and glareing at the man, "I'll have you know-"

"That's enough Jeneveive!" Welch said to her and Jinx cringed at the sound of her real name, "Sit down." she ordered and Jinx did so, still glaring at the man. "We are allies here, not enemies. Now as I was saying, we must stop them or else we are done. Now, to do that we must form a team to defeat them." and then she turned off the projector. "And I know who will do that...

"Jeneveive, Tawny, Corrigan, come here please."

"Jinx..." Jinx said under her breath and Welch quieted her.

"This is our Alpha team, the strongest, smarts, and loyalest people I know." Welch said and she smiled, "They will stop Ragnarok and bring order back into the galaxy." and everyone clapped...

Everyone expect some...

The Guardians of the Galaxy...

Oooo cliffhanger! Sorry it's late and it's pretty long, well not as long as I wish it could be...

But whatever:) I hoped you liked it, don't forget to vote, comment and follow:)



PS The next chapter will be up soon...hopefully:)

PPS Please check out my other story, 'Wings and Wolf (A TMNT Raph and Leo love story)' thanks!

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