Neutral! Reader x Soft Bakugo

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Three hours. Five hours and forty five minutes since he said he'd be home from work. "He should have been home hours ago... " I mutter getting up from the couch. 'Katsuki... Where are you?' I think to myself. Worried out of mind, I look at my phone to re-read the texts Bakugo had sent, checking the time as well. 'It's 2:50 AM...'


Angy Pom:

Hey Teddy Bear. I'm Going to be home late from work. Shouldn't be too long though. I should be home around 9.


Alright explosion king. Oh hey. Can you cook your ramen and rice again? It was really good!

Angy Pom:

Sure. But you better not eat all the rice again! There was none for me last time!


No promises Katsuki! ;)

Angy Pom:

Whatever dumbass. I love you


I love you too. Be safe

Angy Pom:

No promises Y/n


Hey! That's my line!


All the terrible thoughts can't help but race through my mind as I pace the living room of our shared apartment. 'What if he got hurt on the way home? He would usually call by now if something was happening. It's been too long. Something happened to him. What if he just forgot he had other things and didn't tell me? But what if...' The thought lingered for a bit. My eyes start to water at the possibility of it. Before I can stop the flood, the damn breaks as I fall to my knees, choking out the thought that made my heart want to stop beating. "What if he's...cheating?"

As if summoned by the words, Katsuki comes quietly through the door. I can only sit there and watch, taking in his appearance as he takes his shoes off at the door. "She's probably asleep," He mutters quietly. I weep more, bringing his attention to my body, crumpled on the floor. "Y-Y/n what's wrong?" His voice is filled with concern as he comes over to me. "Katsuki... I was worried sick. I-I didn't know where you were... if you'd been hurt, o-or if you had extra work or if you were... " My voice fades out at the last word, my sobs shaking my body.

Understanding what I meant, Bakugo sits next to me and pulls me into his lap. He cradles my head gently while I cry into his shirt, rocking me back and forth. I can hear him whisper soft reassurances to me. I can feel his other hand rubbing my back, trying to soothe me. His smell is what relaxes me the most. He smells like honey and burnt caramel.

After pulling myself together, I take a deep breath and pull back to look at the spikey haired blonde. His hands move to rest on my cheeks, thumbing away the tear stains that were left behind. "Y/n," He starts. "I would never give you up for another. You're far too precious, and way too important to me to let go. Y/n. You're my Teddy Bear. My... My everything. To lose you would be losing my soul. And I'm quite attached to you." Touching his nose to mine, Katsuki looks me in the eyes as he finishes. "Y/n... I love you. I promise I'll never betray you or your love. Never." A weak smile breaks through as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Oh Katsuki... I love you too... Thank you."

He hums and smiles wrapping his arms around me in a cocoon of warmth. "Your welcome Teddy Bear. I'm so sorry I worried you like that. We had a last minute patrol, because we had gotten word of potential Villain attack on the city and my phone died on the way out." I giggle and wipe my face after pulling back. "Heh. Well I'm just glad you're home safe Bakugo," I softly press my hand to his cheek. I can feel him lean into the touch as his crimson red eyes stare into mine. Tightening his grip around me, pulling me closer, pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was soft and sweet. I never wanted it to end, but sadly we both needed oxygen to live. I smile and stand up, Katsuki following suit. He grabs my waist and pulls me into him, kissing me again. It was swift and chaste this time, but pleasant nonetheless.

"I know it's late, well... early but. Do you still want me to make the Ramen? You can have all the rice if you want, since I made you worry," Katsuki asks, looking into the kitchen. I smile and nod eagerly, my stomach growling without shame at the thought of food. "Yes I'm starving. I think I might die," I fall limp against his body to exaggerate my 'starvation' more. Katsuki just sighs and picks me up only to throw me on the couch. "Alright dumbass, get off. You know only you get to see... that side of me. Not even my mom... Old hag." I laugh and get up, teasing him about it while he goes to the stove to start cooking. "Well I'm glad I'm the only one. Besides, I don't think the guys would ever let you live it down if they found out about it~" His signature smirk pulls across his face, "Why you little shit."

He chases me around the apartment for a while before we both settle down and actually decide to make the food. "Fuck you Y/n," He said with a laugh. I can see him smiling as he stirs the broth. I laugh a bit and smack the back of his head like his mom does before kissing his cheek. Going back to dicing the vegetables I mutter, "I love you too you angry pomeranian."

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