Kirishima x Neutral!Reader Comfort

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 I lay in my bed wrapped up in a swarm of blankets, eyes red and puffy. Today wasn't such a great day. My parents and I fought again. If I could even call them that. They treated me more like an annoying roommate that didn't pay rent. Just a little while longer, I keep telling myself. Just a little while longer and I can leave this place. My mom was supposed to spend some time with me today, but as usual she canceled because she was 'too tired' to do anything. She does that a lot. Always cancels things last minute or right before because something else came up, or she was too tired, or because I had asked her about one too many times. That's the thing though. If I don't ask she won't remember, but when I do ask she gets mad at me for being 'too pushy' about it. I only want to spend time with her. Whether she sees it or not her canceling the things that we were supposed to do together hurts me. A lot. I just want to spend time with her, but it seems that I'm out weighed by everything else in her life. She spends more time with my other siblings than me, and it hurts so much. I just wish she'd spend time with m- My train of thought is stopped by my phone making the soft sound it always made for a text message. I sit there for a while before picking up the light metal box, but it feels like a brick in my hand from how long I've been in bed. I saw the message was from my most favorite person in the world. Eijiro Kirishima. My boyfrie... I hate that word. He's my person, my lover, and he means the absolute world to me. Shit... I think to myself reading the text.

I'll be over shortly Pebble. I just have to grab a few things
I love you. <3
10 min ago

I looked at my calendar hung up on the wall across from me. Today's Saturday. I forgot he was coming today. And I look like shit. Every Saturday he comes over to my house to stay the night. My mom doesn't like it too much, but she lets him stay because she trusts him, just not me. The thought of my mother rejecting me comes across my mind and I'm on the verge of tears again, but I suppress it as best I could, because Kiri would be here any moment. I unwrap from my comfortable cave of blankets, leaving one over my shoulders and try to stand. My legs are weak and my head starts to spin. I wobble and stubble a bit as I take a step toward my adjoined bathroom to clean up. I had to pause to make the spinning stop, but the moment my blurry vision cleared I heard a voice and turned to see the red haired boy standing at my door. A bag in one hand and the door handle in the other. "Hey pebble, I'm here. Your mom answered the door which kinda took me by surprise because you usually ans-" He stops speaking when he realizes my state. Messy knotted hair, puffy red eyes, shaking hands, and tear stained cheeks. "Pebble..." He softly mumbles, dropping the bag, shutting the door, and walking over to me. "What's wrong?" I couldn't stop. It started before I could even process what happened. Tears started to spill over again, unceasing and body wracking. My legs give out as he reaches me and I fall into the warmth of his arms crying into his chest. "I j-just want t-to b-be good enough. I w-want to s-s-spend time wi-with her." I heave. Kirishima huffs a sigh of sympathy and hoists me up. I wrap my legs around his waist on instinct and he sits in the center of my bed. "Y/n. Pebble it's okay. It'll be okay. Tell me what's wrong, love." He rubs my back gently and slow, his other arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close. After a moment of trying to get myself to calm down enough to speak, albeit broken and cracked, I explain what happened. He nods and hums, rubbing his hands up and down my arms while looking solely at me the whole time I talk. Every time I paused or got choked up he gave me a soft kiss and whispered to me, "It's okay, talk to me Y/n." I finish explaining and Eijiro looks at me with the most adorable expression I've ever seen. It makes me giggle and lean my head against his. "You're too good for me Kiri, I feel so lucky to have someone as beautycool as you." Kirishima laughs and lets out a gasp, "Hey. That's my line. I'm supposed to say that to you, not the other way around! Buuut it's still appreciated... I love you pebble, and I would do anything to make you happy. Do you want me to talk to her later about it? I won't if you don't want me to." I smile, shaking my head giving him a kiss. Not now Eijiro, but you can if you really want to later. Just cuddle me for now, pretty please?" Kirishima puffs up his chest and maneuvers our bodies to lie down. He pulled me in as close as he possibly could, running his fingers through my hair after we settled. "What my pebble wants, my pebble gets. Even if it's the world I'll try my best to give you anything you could possibly ask for." I smile instantly thinking of the cheesiest response. My cheeks are dusted with pink as I speak my line, "Well how could I possibly ask for more when everything could ever want or need is right in front of me, holding me and looking at me like precious treasure." His cheeks flush as red as his bright hair, and he stumbles over his words. Though it doesn't take him long to collect himself again. He smiles but then looks at me all serious and hopeful. "Do you really mean it, Pebble? Am I really all you want?... All you need?" My brows furrow together in confusion, but I nod anyway, confident and sure of my answer. "Yes. Eijiro Kirishima you are all I could ever possibly want, need, wish, and hope for. I don't want or need anyone else but you." Before I can process what's happened, Kiri's lips are on mine, trapping me in the most passionate kiss we've had since we agreed to take each other's innocence. "Good," The red boy starts. "Because I don't want anyone but you either... I-I wanted to wait on this, but... this moment couldn't be anymore perfect." I watch as Kirishima pulls a small object from his pocket, keeping it hidden in his palm, away from my view. "I-It's nothing too special, but I saw it on my way down here and it made me think of you." He opens his palm to reveal a simple silver metal band with the words, I Promise engraved on the inside. "I wanted to... I wanted to give you a promise ring. Because when we're old enough, a-and can I... I want to marry you!" Kirishima nearly shouts. Tears prick the corners of my eyes once more. Though this time they aren't sad, but happy. Overjoyed. Happily overwhelmed even. "Oh Kiri..." His face fell as I turned to my nightstand, but soon contorted to confusion when I opened the drawer and pulled out a similar ring, only larger to fit his hand. Turning back I continue, "Do you always have to steal my ideas? Yes, I want to promise myself to you if you'll do the same?" Eijiro howls in excitement and kisses me again, and again, and again. We slip the rings on each other's left hand ring finger when the kiss breaks. "I promise," We both say, staring into each other's eyes. "I love you Y/n. Please don't ever forget it." I smile and peck his cheek before nuzzling into his warmth. "I love you too Eijiro." Wrapped in each other's warm embrace we fall asleep and dream of what our future life together would be like.-----------------------------

My gremlin children... I deeply apologize for the MASSIVE (that's an understatement) delay in giving your your nutrients. If you are unaware, I made an announcement on my profile saying that I was going to wait on posting until I got my own device. I am still working on that, but I will be making the purchase hopefully in my next paycheck. I felt bad about just leaving my book here like this, so. I will post fluff things only until I have gotten a computer of my own... that doesn't belong to my school. Yes we bougie like that. Until then, please my greedy little gremlins, hydrate and sleep(unlike me.. up at 1 in the morning) Again- deepest apologies.


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