Shiggy x Fem!Reader Pt 4

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Warning! This is the smut and last part of this fic. Read if you wanna, if not, IDC. That's your loss. Also, you are a Brat and Tomura is a Brat Tamer, and you have a degradation kink. If you don't know what BDSM... I suggest that you educate yourself a little bit so you can understand the reactions between you two. Now enjoy~


Y/n P.O.V
“Make me yours?” My words are slow as they come out, not really sure what he meant. Tomura blushes a deep red and leans his head against my shoulder. “I-I mean. Can I… Make love to you?” Now it’s my turn to blush all shades of red understanding what he meant. I mean I’m no virgin, but I haven’t done it in a while. I believe we’re the same age too, so he can’t be either right? I wrap my arms around him, kissing his neck gently, “Tomura… I want to do it. Make me yours. Please.” Nipping at his neck, I grip the back of his shirt, pulling it up a little. He groans at my teeth pressing against his skin and grabs my waist. “Y/n. If you continue to do that I might…” I hum and bite down, leaving a mark. “You might what?” I tease. He growls, making me shiver, while pulling away from me. I see his eyes, deep red and filled with a carnal desire. “Y/n,” He says, voice low and raspy. “You want to play games? Fine. Let’s play a game~” He  gets off of me and stands up in the center of the room, “Come here.” Tomura glares at me when I don’t move, and he raises his voice. “Now!” 

I smile and get up, walking over to him and pressing my body against his. “I’m here sir~” I say, being the bratty little shit I am. He snakes his hands around me and grabs my ass, “You’re a little brat aren’t you?” Tomura smirks. I bite my lip and shrug, exposing the brat in me even more, “I don’t know Shiggy. Am I?~” He paws my ass in his hands, a light blush dusting my cheeks. “Oh I think you are. And I’m going to fuck that attitude out of you tonight~” He growls in my ear. I moan at his dirty talk and grind against his thigh. ‘Fuck. I think I might have found my match’  He pulls my shirt up and over my shoulders, leaving me in my (f/c) laced bra, and  tossing it to the floor, then pulls off his own doing the same with it. I lock my lips with his, heated and full of desire. He pushes his tongue against mine, fighting me for dominance. Tomura wins again, though only because I’m giving into my submission. But I won’t go down just yet. I grab the hem of his jeans as I pull away to bite at his collarbone. Going down on him I undo his jeans and push them down with his boxers as I land on my knees. I take his cock in my hand licking the tip just slightly while looking up at him. He mumbles, “You little shit~” He buries his hand in my hair, pulling slightly, making me groan in pleasure. 

I part my lips sticking my tongue out, looking up at him, and Tomura takes his chance to push his dick into my mouth. I moan around him and bob my head, sucking him off. It’s not long before Tomura gets impatient and makes me move my head faster. “Y/n. Your tongue feels good against my cock like that,” He says lustfully. I Put my hands on his thighs to steady myself as Tomura starts to face fuck me. I can’t help but moan and gag a little as his member continuously hits the back of my throat. “Fuck Y-Y/n… I want to cum in your mouth.” I dig my nails into his thighs to tell him to do it, and he takes a handful of my hair and pushes his cock all the way into my mouth. His cum is forced down my throat, some spilling out the corners of my mouth. I gasp for air when he pulls out. He tastes like bittersweet coffee, but I like that. Tomura leans down and grabs my chin to make me look up at him. Panting, and with hooded eyes, I lick the corners of my mouth all while keeping eye contact with him. “Baby… I want you to take the rest of your clothes off for me~” He pecks my lips. I put a smug look on my face and stand up while crossing my arms. I turn my head up and say, “Make me.” His actions are swift as he grabs my throat, pushing me back and pinning me against the wall. Pressing his knee between my legs and into my groin, he presses his hand harder against my throat, making me moan quietly. “Ah! Ngh~ I like that~” I whisper to him. Tomura gives me a devilish grin before replacing his hand on my neck with his lips, sucking on my skin to leave dark purple and red marks. “Tomura,” I moan out, grinding down against his knee that still rests between my legs. He pulls away after leaving another mark, “Are you going to strip for me now? My little slut?” 

I whimper and blush at the degrading name, nodding my head. “Yes sir~” He backs away from me to sit on his bed, watching me closely. I grab the hem of my pants and pushed them down along with my (f/c) underwear. I trail my hand up along my body as I stand back up straight. When my hands fall over my chest, I push my breasts together before reaching behind me and unclipping my bra and throwing it to the floor. Tomura is watching me and eating up my form like eye candy. “Come,” He says, and I obey, standing in front of him with my hands resting on his shoulders. He grabs my waist, pulling me into his lap, and kisses me passionately. I moan into the kiss as I feel his hard member proding against my core. Grinding against him, begging for friction, I whimper to him, “Tomura. Please fuck me.” He shakes his head and hoods his eyes. “I want you to ride me first baby girl~” His voice is husky and sexy as he speaks to me. My cheeks flush red and I bury my head in the crook of his neck, lifting myself up off his lap. I watch as Tomura’s hand aligns his cock with my entrance, he puts his other hand on my waist and pushes me down. My moan ecos slightly around the room as I sink down onto his length, taking every inch. “Mmm~ Ah fuck Tomura!~ I-I knew you were big, but..shit,” I say lewdly. Tomura only smirks in response and puts both hands on my ass, lifting me up and pushing me back down on his cock. He groans in pleasure and continues this until I start to move my hips on my own. I didn’t need to be preped for this, I was already soaking through my panties before Tomura came down my throat. 

My pussy slides up and down on his length with ease, my fluids making his cock slick. Tomura grabs my waist again and changes his angle to strike a different spot and make me bounce faster on his dick. He strikes my g-spot, making me let out a shriek of pleasure. “Tomura! A-Ahh… Right t-there!~” He picks the pace once more, his hips thrusting in time with mine. As my hips went down, his came up to meet mine, thrusting harder, making me moan louder. I bite my lip to try and suppress the moans that were elicited from the depths of my throat. I hear Tomura speak to me, “No baby. I want to hear you. I want That dickhead to hear you. So he knows exactly who you belong to. He needs to learn his place and not touch what belongs to me~” I moan louder as he continuously strikes my sweet spot. T-Toumra! I’m about to cum~” I whimper. With this information he pulls out and sets me down on his lap. I whine in protest as my body is forced to come down from its almost high, not noticing my words when I speak. “Daddy… Why’d you stop?” Tomura just smirks at me and flips us over pinning my arms to the bed. “Because. I want to hear how much of slut you are for me from underneath.~ But I’ll be nice and let you choose the position~” Without a second thought I maneuver my body into the position I want, turning my head over my shoulder to look at Tomua. “Doggy~” I say politely. “Wonderful choice my little slut~ Remember Y/n, I don’t want you to hold back your sounds. I want everyone to hear how good you feel~” Tomura demanded. I nod in compliance, pushing my hips back, wanting to be fucked senseless. 

“Good girl~” He slaps my ass then shoves his cock all the way inside my throbbing pussy. “Daddy!” I scream. His thrusts start off slow and deep, but after a bit of moaning and begging, he speeds up. My hands are above my head and he pushes my face into the bed as he pounds into me mercisily. I scream and writhe in pleasure beneath the blue haired male as he finds my sweet spot once again. The sounds of moans, grunts, and skin against skin echo and reverberate off the walls. My walls clamp down on his cock, giving Tomura the sign that I was close to my orgasm since I am currently incapable of words. “That’s right. You’re such a little slut for me. Tell me, who do you belong to? I’ll let you cum when you tell me who owns you, slut.” Tomura growls. I scream out his name as I reach my limit, cumming on his dick. “Ah fuck~ Such a good girl Y/n. Fuck I’m so close… Y/n, can I cum inside?” He asks, still pounding into me. Exausted and being put put into the point ov nirvana, I nod my head. “D-do it daddy~ Claim me~” A few thrusts later, Tomura spills his hot seed inside me, moaning my name in the process. After riding through his high, he pulls out moves to lay down beside me, pulling me down on top of him. I smile and nuzzle into his chest as I tangle my legs with his. He responds with his own affection by wrapping his arms around me protectively, keeping me close. “Thank you Y/n,” Tomura says softly. “For letting me make you mine and for allowing me to be yours. And for what you did earlier… I will never for get it.” I giggle and look up at the red eyed villain, “I’d rather it be you over anyone else Shiggy.” He simply smiles and kisses me softly one last time before telling me goodnight. We fall asleep in each other’s embrace, sleeping soundly till morning. From wich that day we got looks from both Dabi and Kurogiri. If Toga heard or knew what we did last night, she was acting oblivious to it.



There ya go you little monsters! I finally finished it. I hope you enjoyed. Some feed back on my writing would be much appreciated. Hope ya have a good day/night. NOW GO HYDRATE YOURSELVES!


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