Shiggy x Fem!Reader pt3

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Tomura P.O.V
Everything’s quiet. She’s quiet. ‘She’s gone. I fucking knew it. I knew it was too good to be-’ My train of thought is cut off by her voice. “You can open your eyes now if you’d like,” Her voice is soft and sweet. Angelic even. I open my eyes slowly, afraid that it’s my imagination playing tricks on me. But as soon as they’re open I can see her there, shorter than me, smiling with my hand over her heart. “You… You’re still here.” I mentally kick myself for being like this. All soft and nice, but it’s kind of hard not to be with her around. She’s like acid to my iron walls. They all just came down without warning. She nods at my statement and places her hand over mine. “Yes I’m still here.” I pull my hand away, but immediately put my hand back on her shoulder, and my other as well. All five, no, all ten of my fingers touching her skin and she’s still here. “I… I can touch you,” I pull her against me, hugging her tight. 

“Thank you Y/n,” I mutter out, starting to cry. Her arms wrap around me after a moment, her hand rubbing my back. I cry more beginning to lose my balance. I feel her try to pull away from me, but I pull her back in. “No. Please stay longer Y/n.” She giggles quietly and I blush. ‘Fuck that was cute.’  “I wasn’t going to leave. I was going to ask if we could… lay down?” Not letting her go I pick her up and flop down on my bed nuzzling into her chest as we sink into the mattress. “Awe Shiggy. You’re just a softie under this shell of yours,” She says pulling me in. “Y/n if you tell anyone about this I will hurt you,” I growl, gripping her waist. “Don’t worry Shiggy. Your secret is safe with me,” Y/n says sweetly. There’s a moment of silence before she talks again. “Tomura?” I look up at Y/n, as my head was in her chest, and blink at her. “Since you were a little sharing, although not exactly willing I kinda just eavesdropped on you, I uh. Can I tell you my secret?” I blush slightly and nod, “You can.” ‘She trusts me enough to tell me a secret. What is this girl doing to me?’ 

Her voice is small and kinda weak. I almost didn’t hear her. “I don’t like sleeping on my own… and you’ve been the only person to make me feel safe at all here… can I sleep in here?” My head tilts in confusion, “What do you mean you don’t like it?” Y/n looks away as a blush creeps up on her cheeks. ‘So cute.’  “It’s um… It’s a security thing I have. It makes me feel safe. I mean I can sleep by myself, I just don’t like to. But I can totally sleep in my room if you don’t want me in here…” She half rushes out. I sit up and grabbed my sheets that I had kicked to the end this morning, and pulled them over us shielding us from the cold air. “No. You’re staying in here with me,” I say softly, pulling Y/n on top of me. “I don’t want the dick head to find out and take advantage of you.” I glare at my ceiling at the thought of him violating her like that. ‘If he ever lays a harmful or ill intentioned finger on her, I will kill him.’ I look down at Y/n and she looks like a tomato with how bad she’s blushing. “Tomura,” She starts. “Why does my heart feel like this? How come every time I’ve even remotely thought about you today… my stomach does this weird fip and twisty turning feeling.” My own blush forms while I look down at her, trying to answer. “I don’t know, but I think I want to know if this makes it worse.” She looks up at me as I lean down to kiss her. Her lips are soft yet firm like unbaked dough of sweet bread. 
She is still for a moment, but she returns the kiss. I pull away, looking at her, and put my hands on her waist. “Y/n. I know we technically just met but… I… I want you to be mine. I get this weird feeling like I must protect you at all costs. You can say no, I mean I’d understand why, but. Would you say yes? Would you be mine?” My eyes refuse to meet hers as I ask this, but I can feel hers burning into me. Her answer is simple. It sounded as if she practiced saying it, because there was no hesitation. “Yes,” She says. “I have a similar feeling too, Tomura. I want to be near you. You make me feel safe.” I sigh in relief kissing her again. There is no moment of hesitation this time when she kisses back. This time she leans into it putting her hands on my chest. ‘Would she let me?’  Flipping us over so I’m on top, I put my weight on my elbow and knees, tracing my tongue across her lip. She opens pushing her tongue against mine. There’s a fight for dominance, but I win when I nip at her bottom lip, pulling slightly. Panting, we both try to catch or breath, I stare into her (e/c) eyes. “Y/n?” I ask, being weary of my words. “Can I make you mine? Fully?”


Hello my fellow  heathens! I enjoy the third part. The last part will be smut just a heads up. Though I am thinking about taking these tomura parts and turning them into a separate book where I extend the story more. NOW GO HYDRATE YOURSELVES YOU GREMLINS! love ya!


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