Shiggy x Fem!Reader Pt 2

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 Y/n P.O.V

This is my first night with the League of Villains. In all honesty, I'm a little nervous and excited. I've always wanted to be a part of the League, but I wasn't sure if they'd accept a nobody like me. I mean I'm not really that dangerous. Sure I can do hand to hand combat and can instantly regenerate myself but that doesn't mean I can be a part of something big like this. Though I won't deny that I was ecstatic when I was confronted at my home by All For One's messenger. He wanted me specifically to be a part of the League. But why? What was so special about me? I shrug and brush it off, "Probably so I can be used as a human shield." I look at the clock that sits on the nightstand next to my bed and see that it's only 10:32 PM. "Damn. It's only 10:30?" I say aloud. I decided to get up and go explore since none of the other villains wanted to give me a tour of the place. I think back to what Dabi said and how Shigaraki reacted. He was so defensive of me. 'That's kinda hot~' I smirk at the thought then giggle a little as I walk through the place trying to commit every corridor, door, and turn to memory. I walk past a door hearing a voice come through it. I stop and put my ear against the door to hear what they're saying. "Fuck! Why does it have to be someone like that?! If he's fucking with me I swear I'll boycott him. I mean, instant regeneration? It can't be possible... It can't be possible... can it?" This is Tomura's room. I smile and blush thinking of him. 'Wait what? No. I just met him. Though the way he did that for me earlier today made me feel a bit safer here.'

I hear him speak again. He sounds kind of distant and sad. Like he just got his soul taken away from him. "She never answered Dabi's question. It's not possible... Aarrgh! But what if it is?! What if I can actually touch someone without them turning to dust?" No one else must know about this. He must be so touch starved. 'Should I?' I nod and know at his door and wait for him to answer. I hear his movements stop and still for a moment before he nears the door. It opens to show his taller figure and I have to look up just a little to see his eyes. He peers down at me and sighs already knowing I probably heard some of it, or a lot of it. "How much of that did you hear Y/n? And don't lie to me." He growls out. I give him a soft smile before I speak. "I heard from 'Why does it have to be someone like that.'" He backs up and opens his door a bit wider, motioning for me to come in. 'Huh. He doesn't seem like the type to let people in his room so willingly.' I nod and go inside, thinking he's going to lecture me. I can see it on his face, he's probably going to tell me not to tell the others about it. 'Like I would do that.' So before he can get a word in I open my mouth to speak, " Do you want to?" The question catches him off guard and he stands still looking me up and down. "Do I want to what?" Tomura asks. "Touch me. Do you want to touch me Tomura?" His stature changes and he seems very weary, cautious even. Like something is going to jump at him. I watch his hands ball and unball at his sides as he hesitates. "But you'll die. I don't want to kill you." 

I smile and laugh a bit. "Haha wow. Tomura Shigaraki doesn't want to kill someone?" He scowls at me and I put my hands up in defense. "Woah, I'm kidding. Take it easy. Just... Close your eyes." He gives me a questioning look then says, "No." I step closer to him seeing his struggle to not backup. Taking his hand I look up at him, trying to be as gentle as I could, so he wouldn't throw me out. "Trust me Tomura. Close your eyes." He thinks for a moment before he closes his eyes. I can see the fear on his face as I lift his hand up. His finger brushes against my chest making him jerk his hand back slightly. "W-wait!" He shouts, his eyes still closed. "Are you sure?" I hum and smile. "Tomura, I'm sure. Don't pull away." He takes a deep breath and nods, to let me know I can continue. I take his hand again and place it across my chest. I look up at his face, feeling him tremble, and notice that he's not all that intimidating like this. He's actually... kinda sweet. 


Don't uh... you know just don't worry about it okay? The heading image just explains everything rn. It's fine! It's fine. It'll be fine. Have fun. Have a good day/night you little Gremlins. Luv ya! *shouts from a distance*And don't forget your water!!!


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