Neutral!Reader x Izuku Midoriya Pt.2

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'It's so cold. And dark. I feel like I'm floating. Am I asleep? Dead? I can't hear or feel my heartbeat.' "Y/n... Please come back" 'Wait there's a voice. A male's. Who is that? Is he crying? "Y/n I'm so sorry." That voice... I know that voice, but from where? Oh.' My hand is warming up. I can feel their hands holding mine. 'Their touch... It's so gentle and soft like Izu's was... Izuku! Is that him? Izu, please say something again!' The warmth on my hand starts to fade, and the voice sounds more distant, "Y/n please wake up. I... I love you." Suddenly my body starts to fall. 'No! It's just a dream. Wake up! I can't lose him. Please I can't lose him, for the love of god wake up!' I'm getting close to the bottom, I know it. 'So why won't I just wake up?!' The bottom is racing towards me. 'No!' I'm about to hit it. "IZUKU!"

I shoot up right, my eyes wide open searching my surroundings. 'I'm in a hospital room. Wait why am I in the ho-' My train of thought is cut off when I hear my name. "Y-Y/n..." His voice again. I turn to who called my name, and there he is. Stunning and as handsome as ever, and standing right next to me. Izuku Midoriya. Without a second thought I throw my arms around him holding him tightly and starting to cry. He hugs back, bringing me as close to him as he can while his fluffy green hair tickles my neck. "Izu I'm so sorry. I-I don't know why I'm h-here but I'm sorry... I remember us ge-getting into an argument a-and I got mad and stormed out and ran into the city. After that it... It's blank. It's my f-fault. I shouldn't ha-have treated you like t-that, I'm sorry," I choke slightly on my words, trying not to break down completely. "Puppy. Hey. Don't apologize, my love. It's okay. You're okay. I'm just glad you're safe," Izuku says running his hand through my hair. I grip his shirt tightly, afraid that if I let go he'll slip away. Izuku smiles and pulls back a bit to look at me. 'Gods I love your smile' "Puppy? May I lay down with you?" He asks, putting his hand softly to my cheek. Leaning into his touch, I turn my head lightly to kiss the palm of his hand, and nod my head. "Please?" My voice is a whisper. I scoot over to give him room and he climbs into the long metal bed with me after removing his shoes. As soon as he's settled in, Midoriya wraps his arms around me and pulls me in closer than before.

Running his fingers through my hair he kisses me softly, over and over again. I can't help but kiss back. His lips are like velvet; soft and irresistable. Pulling away Izuku whispers to me, "Puppy I love you so much. I saw what was happening in the city and tried to get there as fast as I could, but... you were already... They were putting you in the ambulance when I got there." Tears well and slip down his cheeks, he closes his eyes not ready to finish his words. I smile softly touching my nose to his, "Izu it's okay. You don't have to tell me what happened yet." He nods and kisses me again. I cuddle into his chest when he pulls away and he rests his chin on the crown of my head. He smells like morning rain and pine, two of my favorite scents. 'It's like he's made of everything I love. Soft, sweet, and kind. Izuku. You're everything I'll ever need. I'd be a fool to let you go'

I snake my arms around him and speak softly, "Izuku Midoriya. I love you with every fiber of my being and I don't ever want to let you go... I want you to be my forever Izu." His body stiffens then relaxes once again and he looks down at me. "You... You mean that Puppy? Do you really want me to be y-your forever?" I blush slightly and look away nodding my head. He smiles ear to ear and squeezes me tight. "Oh puppy! That's all I ever wanted. I want to be with you too. Forever. I-I've been wanting to ask you for a while now but I could never find the perfect moment. And I know I don't have a ring to give you, but Y/n... Will you marry me?" His emerald eyes are honest and pure, he means what he said, but that doesn't stop me from tearing up again. "Yes," My voice starts off as a whisper, but quickly grows. "Yes, yes! Izu I... Yes." I can't stop giggling or smiling. We hug each other tightly, just living in the embrace of one another before slowly drifting off into sleep. "I love you Y/n," Izu mumbles, cradling my body against his. If this is a dream, please don't ever wake me. "I love you more Izu."


And FIN!~ That's just a fancy word for The End if you didn't know. Also I will be working on an 18+ Shoto Todoroki x Reader and a Shiggy x Reader for the next few days. The shiggy one will be multi part sooo. Yea! Hope you enjoyed part two of this you little gremlins. Now. Either go hydrate or go tf to bed because you need sleep. OKAY. Luv ya!


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