¡Neutral! Reader x Amajiki Tamaki

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Hello my lovelies. It's been a while hasn't it? I know, I know, I'm terrible at keeping updates, but I've run fresh out of ideas. I would really appreciate it if you guys could give me some suggestions! This is my official notice to requests being open. The following story will contain a lil' zest, but no actual lemon. Now without further ado, let the reading commence.


The day was moving by slow. The sun was only midway through its course across the never ending sky when I had heard a knock at my front door. I groan as I sit up from my laying position on the bed. Rubbing my hands over my face, I stiffly get up from my bed and trudge to the door. Looking through the peephole, I see a man with a hood, bearing a face that is all too familiar. Amajiki Tamaki, the Sun Eater. 'He's so gorgeous.' I think to myself ask I unlock the door for my lover. Upon entering our home he smiles and kisses my lips shyly. "Bunny. I-I missed you today. W-was it too boring without me at home?" He mutters. I give him a tight hug and nod with my reply, "Yes, it was. I cleaned the whole house in two hours, made a late breakfast, then after that just lied in bed. I guess I must have fallen asleep, but how come you didn't open the door? Did you forget your key again?" He chuckles and lifts his hands to show the four grocery bags he was carrying. "N-no I didn't forget. My h-hands were full." Tamaki heads to the little kitchen to set the bags down. When I enter behind him, he's pulling things out of every bag. Wine, a few fancy cheeses, fruit, and our a few of our favorite snacks. A smile creeps across his face when he sees me in the threshold. Amajiki nears me, pulling me in by the waist, and kisses my cheek, "Grab the wine opener for me please?" I giggle and nod, moving from his grasp to go find the wine opener in the cabinet drawer. Tamaki returns to the table and tosses out the bags before setting up our little indoor picknick. "Oh. Could you grab the santoku knife for me as well?" I grab the knife after picking out the wine opener and place them both down on the table next to him. He pecks my cheek as a thank you then begins to open and cut some of the cheese and fruit. I walk away to grab two wine glasses from the cabinet above the stove. We keep all of our precious glasses and tea sets up there, though, most people use it for cereal, we find it's safer for them up higher. I put the glasses down on the table and sit in one of the chairs and watch my lover set up our little date. A few more minutes and everything is set. Wine is poured, cheese and fruit is cut, and then snacks are open for grabs. "Ready?" Amajiki asks me as he sits across from me. Nodding eagerly we both bow our heads and place our hands together. "Itadakimasu!" We say together then begin to eat. A few hours and three glasses of wine later, the food is eaten, and we're a little buzzed. Looking to Tamaki I giggle. "You're so handsome my love." His face turns to a pretty shade of pink and he stutters. "W-what? Th-thank you bunny. You're v-very pretty t-too!" I stand and pick up our mess, tossing the trash into the can and placing used dishes in the sink to be washed later. When I pulled my hands up from the sink I felt Tamaki wrap his arms around my waist. I twist around to face him and he pushes his lips against my. I pull my arms up to wrap around his neck, deepening the kiss. His tongue pushes against my own as he fights me for control, but I have no desire for that, so I give it all to him. Accepting my surrender he picks up my legs and wraps them around his waist as he walks us to the bedroom. Reaching the room he sets me on the bed and moves to turn off the lights. The only thing helping us to see is the light of the setting sun. He comes back to the bed to see I had pulled myself under the covers and he crawls in after me, peppering my face with kisses. We lay together getting comfortable in the silence as the room becomes more dim with the lessening of sunlight. I am drifting off, but before sleep catches me, I snuggle close to Tamaki. "I love you," I whisper as I am pulled into my slumber. Tamaki kisses the crown of my head and replies softly, "I love you too bunny. Sweet dreams."


How was that my little gremlins? I hope that was okay. I know it's a little short and the zest isn't as zesty as some might have hoped, but I still think it ended pretty well. Please make sure you hydrate and get some nutrients for the brain so you can read more fanfiction. Hope you all have a good day/night. Love you all! Be safe.


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