Mirko x !FEM! Reader Comfort

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Request!!! for Mehknownow 

First, I want to say thank you for the request! I hope you like the story!!! In this story you are engaged to Rumi!!! This is a fluff story my loves!


The city is bustling around Rumi and I as we walk the patrol route. Little shops bursting with people and their conversations. "Ugh! Today has been such a drag!" Rumi groans, grabbing my attention. I cover my mouth with my hand as I giggle. Looking over to her she's frowning at me. "You're not helping me here. What are we even out here for? Nothing's even happening." Breathing a sigh I say, "Well we have to make sure the people are alright don't we? Just in case anything happens we have to be ready." A rumble comes from her throat, "You're right. I guess I'm just really drained. All the interactions with fans, it's amazing don't get me wrong, but after fifteen people it gets repetitive." "I feel you on that, but they love your smile. You're such an amazing hero and they all look up to you. That's got to be something right?" I ask, smiling. 'Goodness she's beautiful.'  Thinking to myself I get lost in a daze about our life together. Being engaged and living together after two years of dating. I'm living the dream. I get to call the most beautiful woman in the world my wife soon. I can hardly wait. We'll have a wonderful life together. "Hey," Rumi interrupts my thoughts. "You okay? You spaced out for a second there." A smile spread across my lips, red dusting my cheeks. "Yes, of course. I'm just really happy I get to marry you." Her smile is so gorgeous and she laughs. God it's like music to my ears. "Me too darling. What do you say I order us some take out, and we watch a movie together when we get home?" My heart swoons, clapping my hands together, I reply, "Yes please!" We laugh together and talk the afternoon away while finishing our patrol. We meet at the rally point to change shifts with Lemillion and Suneater. We exchange information about things we saw along the route such as any suspicious perps, possible places a villain could lurk, or general information about the area. Rumi tips her hand and we part ways with the other Heroes and make our way back to HQ to change out of our suits. Going to our respective rooms to change, we meet back outside to decide what we want to eat for dinner. "What are you thinking?" I tap my finger to my chin trying to decide. "Hmmm... How about F/f?" She gasps and grabs my hand pulling me in the direction of our favorite shop. "That's just what I was thinking! Either that or curry." Finding our way to the door of the little hole-in-the-wall restaurant we step inside and order our meals for to-go. I tried to pay, but she smacked my hand away and sweetly said, "My treat, love." I huff in a fake attempt to seem upset, but break it with a smile right after, "Thank you my love." After receiving our meals, she takes my hand and holds it the rest of the way home. "Good thing we live close by huh?" I ask. She nods in return, "Do you think we could watch Beauty and The Beast?" My gaze turns to her, "Animation, or live action?" "Live," She said eagerly. "Live action it is!" Minutes pass and we reach the house. Making our way inside to the living room, Rumi takes out the food and I set up the movie. Afterwards, I hand her the remote and go to the kitchen to pull out a drink for each of us. Coming back into the living room she's laid out on the couch with a blanket waiting for us. She taps the couch in front of her, motioning for me to come lay down. A smile takes over my face and I make my way to her. As I lay down she plays the movie, wraps her arms around my waist, and covers us with the blanket. Breathing in her scent, her warmth on my back, her arms over me as the movie plays, it all feels like heaven. I truly am lucky. "I love you (Y/n)," She mutters, nuzzling into the cook of my neck giving my nape a soft kiss. Suddenly, my chin is taken in her hands, turning my head towards her, she peppers my face with little kisses all over. It leaves me a giggling blushing mess. When she's done I stare at her lovingly and kiss her lips. She leans into me and pulls me tighter against her. "I love you too Rumi. With all my heart," I tell her as we part. A smile is shared between us before we return to the movie. Hours later I feel Rumi stir behind me and my eyes flutter open. I hadn't realized we fell asleep. Our food is gone and our drinks are empty. The movie had long been over and we are still snuggled up together on the couch. I grab the remote and turn off the tv. Twisting to face her, I nuzzle into her chest listening to her heartbeat as the low sound pulls me back into sleep. "I can't wait to marry you," I mumble as I drift back into the world of dreams. 

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