Netural! Reader x Izuku Midoriya

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You are quirkless

He was right. I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have gotten so mad and stormed off. All because I was upset with work, and he was just trying to help. Now I'm going to die without even getting to apologize to him, and without getting to tell him I love him. "Izuku... I'm sorry."

~How it Started~

"Puppy I'm back!" I hear Izuku shout from the front door. He had left to go pick up some groceries since we were in desperate need of a few things. I get up from my desk in the office and go to the kitchen where he is, setting down bags. I mutter my hello, agitated with my boss right now, and start to put things away. Izuku sees I'm upset and comes over to me. "Puppy. What's gotten you upset?" He tries to grab my waist, but I smack his hands away and move to put the remaining food away silently. I saw the hurt on his face at my actions when I finally look at him. I sigh and lean against the counter. "I'm sorry Izu... It's just my boss. She wants me to come in early and stay an hour late the next few days because we have an employee who likes to slack on the job." He nods understanding why I'm all ruffled. "Oh. Are you not able to?" He asks, tilting his head. I shake my head no. "I can't Izu. Do you not remember that I have babysit my friend's daughter the next few days? So I can't even go Into work. But she won't listen to me." Izuku hums and thinks for a moment. "I'm sorry puppy. I did forget. Did you try telling her you need your vacation days?" I nod and huff, "Of course I tried that. I tried everything Izu! But she won't accept it." All the explaining is brining my agitation back, and I'm on the brink of saying fuck it and walking out. "Oh, Do you think there's anything else you can try?" He asks with a smile. That blew my top off. His smile never makes me angry, always happy. What was so different this time? "Really Izu? I just said I'd tried everything. Ugh, you know what, I'm leaving. I need some air," I say walking towards the door. Izuku grabs my wrist stopping me. "Y/n please don't leave. I'm sorry." I shake my head no and yank my wrist free from his grasp and open the door, grabbing my keys of the side table next to it. "Please Y/n, there's supposed to be a-" I shut the door on him and start running down from our house into the city. I didn't care what he had to say, I needed to blow off some steam. Just hopefully he doesn't use his quirk, because running normally like this, I am much faster than he is.

After a while of running I stop next to an alleyway to catch my breath and look around. I check my pockets. "Damn it, I left my phone at home." Creeeeak. I whip my head around to look down the alleyway, searching for the source of the noise. One moment passes. Then two. Then three. I sigh and turn back around, "Probably just a stray dog or something, messing with the trash cans." Then without warning, my feet are swept out from underneath me. I shout and brace for impact, but I never hit the ground. A hand took hold of my body right before I hit the ground, and lifted me in the air. Catching sight of what has hold of me, my face turns pale, and my body goes stiff. It's a nomu. The nomu steps out onto the street. Causing panic among the citizens. This nomu has six arms, two pairs of eyes and an ant-like mouth, with pincers and sharp teeth. I'm struck with fear, unable to move as the nomu starts to attack the surrounding buildings. All i can do is cry for help and scream Izuku's name. Though the monster has quickly grown tired of my noise, either that or it was hungry, because it looked starved. The nomu grabs my throat with one hand, letting go of my torso. I gasp and pull at the nomu's hand when my oxygen supply is cut off. It moves it's other hands to take hold of my wrists and ankles, pulling them away from my body. Instantly I knew what was going to happen. I'm going to die. I'm going to die suffocating and being ripped limb from limb. I gasp more, trying desperately to call out for Midoriya, but I can't. My vision is fading in and out. Everything hurts. I'll have to give in soon. "Izuku... I'm sorry." I black out.


Here you little gremlins. Your food. Part two should be out soon. Hopefully tomorrow. Stay safe weirdos!


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