Fem! Reader x Tomura Shigaraki

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Your quirk: Instant Regeneration. Your wounds heal upon impact of what's injuring you.

Shiggy can't touch anyone because they'll disintegrate. He falls in love with you slowly. Multiple parts!!

Tomura P.O.V

Touch. It's all I've ever wanted. Well that and the fall of the Hero Hierarchy, but touch comes first. To be able to touch something, with my whole hand, without it decaying into dust. I've killed so many people, my family included. But as they say, we can't all get what we want right? 'Damn it Tomura, stop sulking about something you can never change and get out of bed. You have a new recruit to look at today.' I finally get out of bed and dress myself in what I always wear; a black long sleeve v-neck and jeans. Scratching my neck, I leave the room and enter the main bar to find Kurogiri in his usual spot behind the bar. Dabi is sitting at the bar with a glass of whiskey on rocks and Toga sitting next to him being overly cheerful. "Why are you all bright and annoying?" I ask, tilting my head as I stare blankly at her. She almost squeals her answer. "Because Mr. Grumpy McGrumpyPants. I won't be the only girl on the league anymore! Though she's close to your age, but still!" 'Another female? Great. Isn't one girl enough? I can barely handle Toga.' Dabi finally says something, "So when is this new, quote on quote, recruit going to get here?" I take my own seat at the bar, a few seats away from the brat and the thug with no manners, and request a Mixer from Kurogiri. "That's a good question that I don't have an answer to. Big Man just said to expect her to show up. He picked her out himself so she must be good at something or have a very powerful and useful quirk," I replied before taking a drink of the glass I was handed. 'Hm. Cherry Vodka, pineapple...' "Lime and liquor," Kurogiri finishes my thought for me. I like fruity drinks. But only Kurogiri knows that. If the other two knew about my preference, they probably wouldn't take me as seriously. I continue to sit quietly and sip at my Mixer while Toga bothers Dabi with her weird facts she knows.

After a few hours, our drinks were finished and we were bored out of our minds. I have nothing to do because I'm still waiting on the new batch of Nomus to be ready for the field, but that will take a few weeks since our research was completely lost. Some dumbass hired a slacker and they ended up falling asleep on the keyboard and wiping the data. I don't know how the fuck that happens, but it did. So now we're all sitting at the couch staring at the TV watching some strange bake off show Toga put on, Cake Fight or something like that. Midway through the commercials, the door to the bar opens, drawing our attention from the TV. She's there, standing in the doorway, breathtaking and gorgeous. It takes all my might not blush as I stare at her.

Her (h/l) (h/c) hair is ruffled by the wind blowing through the door, flowing gently. And her (e/c) eyes glint slightly from the light. I look at Dabi and I can see the look of deep interest, possibly desire, in his eyes. It pisses me off, don't look at her like that asshole. 'Wait why am I thinking that? All I've done is look at her.' I shake the thought from my head and stand up, walking over to her. "Are you the new recruit All For One sent us?" I ask her, giving her a blank uninterested stare. She just curtly nods and looks around the room catching sight of the other villains. She smiles and speaks, "You're Himiko Toga. Dabi. Kurogiri. And you must be the infamous HandyMan, Tomura Shigaraki." She points each of us out as she says our names. "My name sounds good on her tongue, please say it more...Wait what the fuck? Ugh damn Tomura.' "That's wonderful, you can name people. Congratulations. Now let's get down to business-" I'm cut off by Toga blurting out. "TO DEFEAT THE HUNS!" Dabi joins soon followed by the new recruit. They all continue to terribly harmonize with each other. "Did they send me daughters? When I asked for sons. You're the saddest bunch I ever met, but you can bet before we're through. Mister, I'll make a man out of youuuuuuu!!!!!"

They all laugh and Toga and Dabi finally decide to get up and come over to stand next to me. I need to get things in order. "Are you finished? Yes? Good. Now," I turn to the girl. "What's your name and your quirk?" She just simply smiles and points one finger up in the air dramatically and hero like, "My name is Y/n, and my quirk is instant regeneration. Your boss has been keeping an eye on me for a while apparently. I've been trained for years on several types of martial arts like Taekwondo, Karate, and Jiu Jitsu." 'Instant regeneration? What if..? No, There has to be a withdrawal to it.' Dabi leans against the bar and stares at her with obvious desire as he speaks, "So say if I were to burn my hand print onto you during sex it would heal right away?" I watch the blush form on her face and watch her body language change to show that she was uncomfortable. Y/n opens her mouth to speak, but I react without thinking, making everyone shut up, even Toga. I grab Dabi's neck, keeping my index finger at bay, and push him back against the bar. "Say something like that to her again, and I'll make sure you won't ever get to see the light of day again. Understand?" I growl at him. He just smirks and nods, putting his hands up.' Alright fine. I'll leave her be." Letting him go I stand up straight, not noticing how the Y/n is staring at me, and turn to Toga. "Toga. Show Y/n to her quarters and do whatever girl shit you do." And with that I go hide myself in my room once again.


Whatup Dweebs? Nah nah nah, Jk. Ur cool. But uh....I live. yeah. It's been a few days I know, but we're here. God all I can think of it that vine dude. "I'm here. I'm queer. Get used to it.... No one cares Brendon."  I think that's what he says,idk. Eh-

Well have a good night you Gremlins. and try to sleep this time, possibly hydrate yourself. Now PEACE BITCHES! *FALLS OFF BUILDING TO THAT WEIRD TIKTOK TREND*


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