*sigh* it's an A/N

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I was really hoping I would never have to do one of these. They're kinda annoying to me, but uh- So as you know, I haven't posted in a hot second. Imma be blunt... I've been procrastinating, and also some days I just wasn't in the writing mood. We've also been busy with the mother parental figure's wedding. So that was fun. and... yeah. just basic shite(shy-t). ANYWHO! so I hope my gremlin children have been hydrating daily, or else I might have to... climb into your windows at night and force feed you the life juice. So you best be hydratin' or you might have a new sleep paralysis demon standing at the edge of your bed tonight. Okay, but I should be posting my Shoto fic soon. Possibly later tonight, if not, ig tomorrow then. Then after that the SFW Tamaki fic should come up. Thanx peeps! Luv ya!


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