Bakugo x !FEM! Reader

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Request!!! for _solangelo361_

I hope you like the story! Let me know what you think!! 


My eyes flutter open as the morning light touches my skin. A groan slips from my lips as I stretch my limbs across the bed. Turning over in bed, I find Katsuki was not in bed with me. Confused, I turn to look at the clock on my nightstand. 'Friday, April 20. 09:26 AM'  Is what the clock read. 'Oh yeah. I forgot I told him to go out today.'  I thought to myself. Today is Katsuki's birthday, and I told him to go out with friends today to celebrate his birthday. What he doesn't know is that I'm planning something special for him when he comes home. Begrudgingly, I pull my heavy body from the sheets and begin to make the bed. Afterward, I go to the bathroom to start my morning routine. Skin care, light makeup, and the outfit of the day. I decided a pastel blue cardigan with black yoga pants was okay for today. I slip my shoes on by the bed and make my way to the kitchen to grab a protein shake for breakfast. As much as Katsuki hates it when I skip out on meals when he's gone, I'm too excited for what I have panned to think about eating. I pick my car keys off the ring hook and step out the door to run my errands for today. My first stop was at the party store to pick up some decorations from the house. I got small letter balloons that spell Happy Birthday, a pack of fake rose petals, and a birthday card. My next stop was a lingerie store to pick up the outfit I had preordered from them a while back. I decided to make a stop in the middle at a sandwich shop to get something to eat for lunch. I don't want to worry my love too much about my health. My phone buzzed in my pocket with a text. "Speak of the devil," I say aloud as I set my food in he passenger seat. I'd opted to eat in the car since the restaurant was fairly busy. I pull out my phone to see the text from Katsuki.


Angry Pom: Hi love. Are you doing alright? Have you eaten yet?

Me: Yes, I have

Angry Pom: Proof?

Me: *Attachment sent*

Me: That's the sandwich I'm about to eat. Everything going okay?

Angry Pom: So you haven't eaten yet, but plan to. As long as you eat, but yes, everything is okay. Fuckin Kiri took us all out to eat and told the damn server it was my birthday. So everyone of the staff came out and sang at me

Me: Oh I wish I could have seen that! I bet you shrank in your seat if you didn't get irrationally pissed off

Angry Pom: Hah! You wish! But I'll let you go baby, eat your sandwich. And have a good day, I'll be home around 4pm okay?

Me: Alright love. Be safe and have fun! And Happy Birthday. I love you

Angry Pom: I love you too and thank you.


With that I tuck my phone away and eat my sandwich as I drive to the liquor store to pick up a two bottles of wine. I decided to get a Merlot from Suntory.  My last stop was at a bakery where I had to pick up the molten chocolate lava cake, his favorite, I ordered last week. I paid the cashier and made my way home. By the time I walked inside and set all the items down it was 01:34 PM. "Alright," I say to myself. "Let's get to work." I pop open one of the bottles of wine, pour a glass, and take a sip before I begin with setting up the balloons hanging them across the wall. It took me a minute to get them all evenly spaced, but I managed. Next was the rose petals. I used one pack to make a trail from the front door to the kitchen and from the kitchen to the master bedroom. The other pack of petals was used to make a big heart on the bed where I'd be laying for Katsuki to find when he comes home. After that I set out the cake on an elevated cake display plate with a knife beside it for cutting. I finish off my glass of wine and go to the bedroom to change into my outfit I picked up earlier. When finished putting it on I look at myself in the full body mirror at the corner of the room. 'DAMN!  I look hot!!'  I thought, taking in my figure. The black straps hugging the curves of my body nicely. It was a black strappy body harness with silver ringlets holding the pieces together. I look at my clock once again and see it 03:30 PM. 'Shit-' Running back to the kitchen I quickly write on the birthday card and set it next to the bottles of wine. Hastily, I set out another wine glass, and poured into each glass. Quickly I go through the house and turn off all the lights and switch the fairy lights on, leaving the house dim. Reaching the bedroom, I shut the blackout curtains, and turn the LED lights to red. I carefully crawl onto to the bed and position myself with my legs crossed and my hands propping me up. I'm only waiting a few minutes before I can hear the sound of the front door being unlocked. "(Y/n)?" Katsuki calls, but I remain silent. There's silence, them muffled shuffling as he walks through the house. My heart is racing and my thighs squeeze together in anticipation. Finally, the bedroom door opens and Katsuki steps inside. He whispers, "Fuck." His eyes trailing over my body taking in every inch of me. "Happy Birthday, my love," I say seductively, bringing my knees up to my chest, revealing a glistening prize. A smirk falls over his face as he rips his shirt off, unbuckles his belt, and kicks his shoes away. My body is tingling with anticipation now as he stalks closer to the bed. He's slow as he crawls on top of me, pushing me down into the mattress with just his gaze. Those fiery red eyes set my skin alight. One hand reaches to grab my waist while the other rests next to my head. "What's all this darling?" He questions, leaning close to my ear, nipping lightly. Pulling my confidence forward, wrapping my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist, "Your birthday present. Do you like it?~" A growl ripples from his throat. "Oh I fucking love it. Is this why you insisted I go out today? Hmm?" Katsuki kisses up my neck, to my jaw, stopping inches from my lips. He looks at me with a hungry gaze. I nod and he hums with satisfaction. His hand on my waist starts rubbing up and down my thigh as his lips kiss down my neck to my chest where he stops to leave a deep hickey on each of my breasts. I squirm as his hands play with my nipples, pinching, and twisting just enough to make me moan. "If you're my present, then I want to make sure my toy is prepared, because I like to play rough. Can you handle that baby?" He chuckles as one hand slips down. His fingers teasing my slit. "Y-yes sir," I sigh in pleasure as two digits slip inside, pumping slowly. His thumb circles my clit and I grab his thigh, my nails digging in through his jeans. "Fuck," My breath hitches when his fingers curl, rubbing against that spot over and over again. I pull my hand over my mouth to suppress the sounds coming from it. Katsuki leans close to my ear, "Don't go quiet on me now baby. Toys aren't supposed to be broken out of the box are they? It's up to the player to break his toys isn't it?" He pulls my hand away from my mouth and pins it above my head and starts pumping his fingers faster inside me his thumb rubbing quicker circles pushing me closer and closer. My volume increases as a knot builds and tightens at the pit of my naval. "Please... Please Katsuki, I'm right there, please." I beg, bucking my hips into his hand. He only laughs and pulls his hand away and I whimper at the loss. "Not yet Princess. You finish when I say you can. A good toy follows their master's orders." He whispers sucking his fingers clean. The sight alone drew a moan from me. Katsuki steps off the bed and reaches into the nightstand on his side, pulling out a condom, as he pushes his pants off his hips and kicks them away. Kneeling back over me he rips the condom open with his teeth. I bite my lip as I watch him roll it on. After, he puts my legs on either side of him, grips my hips and yanks me toward him. His throbbing arousal grinds against my core and I groan at the feeling. Leaning over me me he positions himself at my entrance. "Are you ready princess?" I nod and he pushes slowly inside, stretching my walls and filling me in a way only he can. My nails rake down his sides leaving trails of red behind. He strokes me slow and deep, making me writhe beneath him. "Ngh~ Fuck... Katsuki please. Faster," I plead scratching at his back. He groans at the feeling and moves his hips faster. With every thrust my thoughts slip away. My mind has turned itself off as I listen to his moans in my ear. The sound of his pleasure alone could get me off. "Fuck baby you feel so good. You take my cock so well. Such a good fucking girl for me," He pants, biting my neck. Barely capable of speech, I manage to get a few words out, "O-only for you. I'm your good girl. F-fuck, please." His throat rumbles in a primal way that makes my body shudder, "All. Fucking. Mine." He slaps my ass and grips my hips as he fucks me harder, moving his hips in a way that brings the knot back. My walls clamp down on him and my legs lock around his waist. One hand slips around my leg and starts rubbing my clit. Panting and moaning with each trust and each stroke of his hand, the knot in my stomach keeps balling tighter and tighter, "Fuck, fuck, fuck- Please Katsuki. I'm so close. Please I'm right there, fuck-" The sound of his hips against mine fills the room. "God, princess I'm there to. Come with me baby. Fucking come on my cock." I scream his name, drawing my hands down his back, nearly drawing blood, throwing my head back. My back arches into him and my legs squeeze around his waist as my body shakes with ecstasy. The orgasm rips through me leaving every part of me trembling. I can feel his cock swell inside me right before his own release. His body shivers as he holds me close to his chest riding through his high. He pulls out after a moment and puts his forehead to mine. Sweat glistens on our bodies as the smell of sex settles around the room. "Are you okay princess, do you need anything?" Katsuki asks sweetly as he tucks  a few strands of hair behind my ear. "Water please?" I mutter, voice a little hoarse from only moments ago. My mouth felt really dry and my body ached slightly in the best way possible. He smiles and pecks my lips as he moves from the bed. I giggle as he he stumbles a little getting off. He shushes me and moves to the bathroom. I watched as he grabbed the hand towel and wet it under the sink faucet, wring it out, and wipe himself off. Next he grabs the cup we keep on the counter and fills it with water. I moved to sit on the side of the bed, trying to unclip the body harness. He comes back, sets the the glass and the towel on the nightstand, and helps me take off the harness. Once it was off he it sets on the floor next to the bed and hands me the glass before wiping me off with the rag. I giggle as he goes over some of the ticklish areas of my skin and try not to wiggle too much. He laughs with me when I can't control it.  When he was finished I set the glass down back on the night stand as he moves to grab one of his shirts from the dresser across the room. He tosses it to me with a pair of panties. I put them on while he puts on a pair of sweats. "Can we go eat that cake baby?" He asks when he comes over and picks me up from the bed. I wrap my legs around his waist to hold myself up and nod as I give him a kiss. "Of course. That's what I bought it for." A big smile spreads across his lips as he carries me to the kitchen. After setting me in a chair he slides me one of the glasses of wine I'd poured earlier and cuts us each a slice of cake. He makes a sound of satisfaction as he watches the molten chocolate spill from the inside of the cake. We sit at the table talking and laughing as we share the cake and wine. Later into the night he's fast asleep in bed with me. His arms curled around my waist and his face nuzzled into my neck. A smile creeps across my lips as I kiss the crown of his head. "I love you Katsuki. Sweet dreams my love." As if he heard me, he holds me tighter and mumbles something incoherent. Tangling my hand in his hair I drift off to sleep soon after. 

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