Shoto Todoroki x Fem!Reader

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Warning, there do be 🍋smut🍋 here. if you don't like, read another part of my book thing, or make a request.  Thanks! Enjoy~


Fem! Reader x Shoto Todoroki(NSFW)

Your Quirk: None

I'm sitting on my bed doing my "homework" with Slipknot's 'Duality' blasting in my ears on my spotify. I sigh and sit up from my relaxed position wondering why I couldn't be at school right now talking with Shoto. My mom said I had a dentist appointment today or something but it got canceled, so she decided to go to work and let me sleep in without telling me. So I ended up sleeping till eleven something this morning. Running my hands over my face, I mutter to myself, "Damn. I should stop going to bed so late." Then I bust out laughing saying, "Yeah right! Like that will ever happen." My phone buzzes next to me and I pick it up, unlocking it. A smile cracks over my lips seeing it's a text from the one and only, Shoto Todoroki. He and I have been dating for a while, but we've only just recently made it public to the others in class. I click the notification and read the text.



Good afternoon sleeping beauty.How are you?


I blush a light shade of pink at the nickname, and remember that he knows I like to sleep. 'He must be at lunch then,' I conquer.



I'm good Princey. Is that why you texted me so late? Because I woke up only like what, 45 min ago?


Indeed it is Y/n. But why aren't you at school today?


'Awe he's concerned for my existence. Unlike BakuPimp and his hoes Kiri, Mina, Dunce Face, and Sero.' I laugh a bit and smile again typing my response as 'So Far Away' by Crossfade starts to fade in.



Oh yeah. Mom said I had a dentist appointment today, but something happened and it got canceled. So she let me play hookey


Ah. I see


Mhmm. Oh! My mom won't be home tonight. Do you want to come over?~


There's a moment before he texts back. Probably him trying to figure out what I wanted when he comes over. Though today I'm feeling particularly bratty, so I want to see how far I can take it before he breaks.



And what if I say no Princess?


Then I'll send you a few pictures of me wearing your favorite set of lingerie~ Besides, I know you can't say no to me~


You wouldn't dare try that Princess. Especially since I'm at school~


All the more reason for me to do it Daddy~


There's another pause in his response, but it only makes me excited. 'Did I make him want to punish me?' My phone dings and I immediately look at it.

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