Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"You." Tom growled. "I want to fuck you. Now." Lyra did nothing but let a little whimper escape her mouth. Tom grabbed her wrist and pulled her into an empty classroom. "Muffliato." He mumbled.

"Get on your fucking knees." Tom seethed, pushing Lyra down by her shoulder. He ripped off his belt, and pulled his trousers down. His hard dick sprung up, making Lyra wet. Tom grapsed Lyra's hair roughly before shoving his cock into her mouth. She instantly gagged at his size, making Tom put on a proud smirk.

"Choke on my dick." Tom spat, pushing her head towards his hips. Tears formed in her eyes, as she sucked. "Stop fucking crying." And then Tom slapped her again. The slap burned her skin, and she let a whimper a few tears trickled down her face.

"Fuck-" Tom groaned as he apporached his high. Lyra focused her attention on the tip, earning moans from Tom. She gently applied pressure to tip with her tongue, making Tom spew his hot liquid now her throat. "Fucker-" Tom groaned, tipping his head back.

"My turn." Tom smirked. He pulled Lyra up by her hair, so that she was standing face to face with him. He then grabbed Lyra by the waist, and threw her on the desk. Her body ached as it slammed against the wood.

"That's for fucking with Nott. You're mine." Tom hissed. "Your body is mine. All fucking mine"

Tom ripped her robes off, leaving her in her leisurewear from last night. Tom sucked in his breath at the sight. He quickly snapped off her underwear, and threw the scraps of fabric onto the ground. Lyra watched as Tom destroyed every piece of clothing he could. Tom removed her shirt and bra, leaving her just in her skirt. Tom harshly pressed his lips to Lyra, before removing them. "Those lips, mine." He lips then went to her neck, where he sucked to leave bruises. "Your neck, mine." His large hands cupped Lyra's breast, and squeezed them, making her squirm underneath him. "These. Are. Mine." Tom's lips glided down Lyra's chest, making her push her legs together. Tom stopped when he reached the hem of her skirt, slowly pulling it down with his teeth. "This fucking pussy. MINE." He growled before suddenly sticking his tongue into her core.

"Fuck- Riddle." Lyra screamed as his tongue flicked around her cunt.

"What are you?" Tom yelled against her pussy, sending vibrations up her core.

"Y-yours." Lyra stuttered through the ecstasy. "I-I'm yours, Riddle." With that, Tom removed his tongue and replaced it with two fingers. Lyra arched her back with pleasure, a loud moan escaping her mouth.

"Fucking right. You are mine. Nott can't touch you anymore." Tom pumped his fingers furiously in her slit, her head pushed back in pain and pleasure. As she approached her high Tom slipped in another finger and curled them.

"Fu-ck!" Lyra screamed while releasing on Tom's fingers. Tom continued to pump, overstimulating her. "Riddle- I can't. I can't go again."

"You fucking are. Cum again. Cum like the fucking whore you are." Tom's fingers pumped faster as she screamed, earning her two her second high. He curled his fingers once more, and she released again. Tom took out the fingers that were in her cunt, and licked them clean. He pressed his lips to hers once more before handing her her clothes.

"Riddle?" Lyra asked in a sweet voice. He turned his face to her, looking into her eyes. So pure, so innocent. He was a monster to destroy that, but he knew. "If I am yours, why don't you treat me like it?" Then Tom left. Not a word, he just fled.

Lyra sighed, but it was what was expected. She had heard the tales of how he couldn't love. It was just mindless, reckless sex. Yet, she thought she could change him.


Lyra returned to class after casting charms to fix her appearance, though she still didn't have underwear. It was risky, but she was going to be sitting next to Alex anyway. She entered the classroom to see that her spot was taken by Cedrella.

"Fucking Weasley." Lyra silently cursed to herself. Lyra scanned the room for the next available spot, and it was the one next to Tom. "For fucks sake." Lyra walked over to the boy, while Alex gave her an apologetic look. Tom had been planning in a notebook, but the notebook was full. His words ran off the pages.

"Hey Riddle." No response. "For fucks sake, all I asked was if you could treat me like a fucking human, not your sex toy." Lyra whispered, but still making sure her voice came off as stern.

"I fucking can't! Did you ever think of that?" Tom seethed back.

"Did you ever even try?" Lyra protested. "You seem to like fucking me, so why can't you try." Tom was vacant for words. He did enjoy his sexual encounters with her, but he knew it would never be more.

"Because that's all I fucking like. Your whore of a body." He spat. Tears formed in Lyra's eyes as he said those horrid words. He knew it was wrong, but he had no choice. She was a mere distraction to him and nothing more.

The class was dismissed before Tom could get another hurtful word in. Lyra fled to the bathroom, the tears streaming her face. A sudden knock at her stall, made her jump.

"I know I am not supposed to be in here, but Lyra, I saw you crying. What did that arse say to you?" Alex asked, trying to remain calm for Lyra. Lyra opened the stall door, and leapt into his arms. She bawled as he stroked her hair. He whispered small affirmations, but he truly wanted to know what happened. They both dropped to the floor, and Alex wiped off Lyra's tears with a handkerchief. "What did he say to you, princess?"

"We fucked, Alex. We- fucked."

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