Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"I know, princess." Alex responded. "But that was that a week ago. We can move on." He smiled and lifted his hand to cup my face. "If he pesters you more, I'll kill him." Lyra didn't have the heart to tell Alex, that it wasn't in fact a week ago, but less than an hour. Lyra nodded, and stood up. She wiped off a few tears, and walked out of the bathroom, hand in hand with Alex. She reminded herself, Alex would treat her right, it just wasn't how she wanted to be treated. She liked how Tom would diminish her, but she wished Tom could offer her more. A real relationship. Trust. Trust was something that Tom could never offer, his promises had the same worth as divination.


Classes ended fast, and Lyra made her way to her dorm to get ready for dinner. Though she didn't want to go at all. She didn't want to confront Tom, or see Alex. She felt bad when she looked at either. She didn't know who to choose, and she knew she would only end up hurting them in the process.

She closed the door to her room, and went to shower. The shower was cold.

She put on her pajamas and laid on her bed. She tried to concentrate on her homework but her mind kept fading between the two boys. She had reasons for each.

She left her room to sneak into the head kitchen, walking down the halls her fingers brushed against the walls. Lyra raided the kitchen for food, and she left with two cauldron cakes and a bottled butterbeer.

She walked back to her room, and while opening her door, Tom left his. Tom stared at the girl, who wore no bra, and shorts. His mouth nearly fell open.

"Hey, Riddle." Lyra waved.

"Desai." Tom said, emotionless.

"Oh wait!" Lyra remembered. "Before you go, I have a gift for you."

"A gift." Tom was astonished. No one had ever given him a gift before. Lyra quickly went in and out of her room, and grabbed the black notebook that had his name engraved in gold lettering on the back. Tom wanted to smile, but he knew it would be too vulnerable.

"A notebook. A decent gift, I guess." Tom flatley responded. "Thank you." He whispered, a whisper that was not for Lyra to hear, but she did.

"You're welcome." She winked, Tom's heart melted slightly, but he masked it with a slight nod. It was enough for Lyra to feel like she had changed him. It may have been little, but small improvement is better than none at all.

Tom started to walk away, but walked back to Lyra.

"Wait in my room? I just have to do something." It was a suspicious offer, but one that Lyra took. She nodded and walked into his room and waited. Lyra saw a few sheets of loose paper on his desk.

Basilisk, Balmer, Warren, Hagrid. The paper read. What was Tom up to? She quickly shifted back to the bed as she heard the door knob jingle. That was fast, she thought.

"So where did you go?" Lyra tried to poliently intervene.

"None of your business." Tom spat.

"What happened to the journal?" Lyra prodded, knowing that she had pushed too far.

"Mind. Your. Business." Tom seethed, rolling up his sleeves.

"What were you doing?" Lyra had gone too far.

Tom ran his fingers through his hair, angered with the persistence of Lyra. "You know, you should learn to mind your business. His hand gripped her throat, as he pushed her up against the wall. "And don't you say a goddamn forsaken word about me pushing you up against this wall."

"Shut the fuck up and fuck me, Riddle." Lyra hissed, pushing her lips to his. Tom spent no time moving his lips to her neck, harshly sucking on each mark that Alex had left her.

"Every little mark he made on you, I'm redoing it. Making it better." He growled, pulling on the hem of her shirt. "I want all of your clothes off, and you on the bed. Now." Lyra quickly took off her pajamas, and laid on the center of the bed. Tom took off his belt with a snap, making Lyra jolt. He tied his belt around her wrists, and hooked it to the headboard.

"I'm going to fuck you until you bleed. And your going to fucking like it." Lyra shivered from his words, but he had already made her bleed. It was with a knife, but he couldn't have meant different. Without warning, Tom's lips pressed to her exposed core, sucking on her sensitive lips.

Lyra's back arched back in pleasure, a loud moan ensuring that Tom was doing his job correctly. "Shit-" Lyra screamed, pulling in the belt that tied her hands. She wanted to pull on Tom's hair, and listen to his low groan. Tom's ringed fingers gripped onto Lyra's hips, hard, and pulled her closer to his mouth.

"Fuck- Riddle! Fuck!" Lyra screamed as his tongue grazed over her g-spot, earning her closer to her high. Tom shoved two fingers into her cunt, making her release for the first time. Tom pumped his fingers continuously, overstimulating her.

"Fuck- Riddle, I can't- No." Lyra heaved, her breath gone.

"Come on, slut. Cum for daddy." Tom smirked, pumping his fingers faster. Lyra squirmed underneath him, reaching her high as Tom's fingers curled. Tom removed his fingers, and pushed them into Lyra's mouth. "Taste yourself, darling." It was the first time that Tom had used a pet name that wasn't degrading. Lyra couldn't help smile at the small progress. Lyra sucked Tom's fingers clean, as he pulled down his trousers, exposing his rock hard boner.

Lyra continued to suck on his fingers, making him slightly groan. Tom stroked his dick a few times before ramming himself into Lyra. Lyra screamed as Tom pounded into her, but as she got quiet she heard footsteps approach.

"Lyra? Are you there? I brought you a little gift since you weren't at dinner." It was Alex.

"Ridd- Riddle. Stop- it's Alex. He can't he- hear us." Lyra slightly made out. The sentence enraged Tom. He was a jealous person. Lyra knew she was Tom's but she couldn't hurt Alex.

"Fuck Nott!" Tom snarled, fully slamming himself into her. He relentlessly pounded in and out of her, making her scream. Her screams were his only intention. To completely destroy Alex. She wasn't Alex's. She was Tom's, and he was going to make it very clear.

The last noise Lyra heard from outside where scurried footsteps away as she screamed Riddle's name, reaching her peak.

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