Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Lyra walked into the Great Hall as everyone was gathering into their seats. She quickly looked around for her friends, and quickly spotted Irma, a fellow Ravenclaw. She quickly headed over to greet the blonde at the Ravenclaw table.

"Irma!" Lyra cheered, as she approached.

"Oh, Lyra!" Irma stood from her seat and brought Lyra into a tight embrace. "I haven't seen you since last year. How are you?"

"I'm good." Lyra smiled. "But hey, you should've owled me!" Lyra playfully mocked as she sat next to Irma.

"I know, I should've." Irma slightly sighed. "Well, who are you bunking with this year?" Irma asked, but Lyra's response was quickly cut off by the sound of Headmaster Dippet clearing his throat.

"Students, please welcome the first years." Dippet announced, pointing to the doors of the Great Hall that opened to reveal the group prancing in. "Sorting will commence shortly, talk amongst yourselves." Lyra took the moment to finally share with Irma.

"Well, I guess I should've owled you but I'm Head Girl, so I get a dorm in Head Tower." Lyra explained.

"Oh my gosh! I should've figured! Oh, Lyra, I'm so proud." Irma chimed, delighted for her friend.

"Oh thank you. I managed to transfigure my closet into an extra room, so if you ever..need it. Let me know." Lyra eyed her suspiciously, but Irma showed no emotion.

"You know I will use that room." Irma seriously said, but Lyra and her ended up in a laughing fit.

"Ahem. Let the sorting begin." And with that announcement first years went up to the hat and were decided what house suited them. Ravenclaw had earned three first years, as well as Gryffindor. Slytherin gained three, and Hufflepuff got one lone soldier.

The feast rapidly finished, as they were all eager to get back to their dorms. Irma and Lyra left the Great Hall and headed toward the library, where their group would gather to discuss what the plans were for everyone's first night. Irma and Lyra were the first to arrive, but they patiently waited as the rest of the group filtered in. First was Alexander Nott, who flustered Lyra with his continuous flirting. Then came Ethan and Priscilla, and Lucietta Prewett. The group mingled peacefully, Alex still being playful with Lyra. Dorea, Charles, Cedrella Weasley, followed. The last few were Ascella Malfoy, Roderick Lestrange, Lucille Parkinson, Orion Black, and slowly while being dragged by Lucille, Tom made his entrance.

The group gathered in a circle as they planned what to do. Party, sneak out, raid the kitchen, where the few ideas that were tossed around, but Lyra couldn't care which. As long as she was with To- Nott. Alexander.

"What do you want, princess?" Alex cooed into her ear.

"A party sounds nice." Lyra smiled, and she lightly gripped onto his arm. She knew this was the better man for her. She could care less what Tom thought, though all he looked at the moment was exasperated as Lucille clung tightly to him.

"A party is what you shall get then, love." Alex treated her right, and would love and care for her. Lyra's cheeks flushed at Alex. "How about a party? A Slytherin one?" Alex spoke loudly, making sure that everyone would acknowledge his request, not like how everyone treated Ascella. Who's requests were thrown out before she could even make them.

"I think that sounds like an excellent idea." Ascella smiled, it was originally her idea.

"I'm down to party." Roderick nonchalantly leaned his head on Dorea's, Charles glared at Roderick, but Roderick didn't notice.

"Yeah yeah." Charles growled. Everyone agreed. It would be a party.

"Okay okay, so party.. Slytherin common room at 10. That gives you all an hour to get ready. Be there on time, and bring whatever alcohol you have." Ethan cheered. The planner he was.

The group separated, and went to their rooms to change. Nott followed shortly behind Lyra as their rooms were in the same area. Nott pulled her aside, bringing her inches away from her face.

"Get changed, and then go to my dorm, Head Girl." Alex smirked.

"Okay." Lyra cheekily replied.

Lyra walked fast to her dorms, getting ready for the party. She quickly showered, and was able to get ready in under fifteen minutes. As she walked out of her dorm, she noticed Tom, standing tall against his door. She walked past him but he caught up to her grabbing her wrist.

"Ooh, no pinning me to a wall, very original." Lyra huffed.

"Shut up. I-I don't understand you." Tom barked.

"Woah, cool. I got to go." Lyra motioned behind her and pulled against Tom's grip.

"No. I don't want you to go to Nott's." Tom ordered.

"Excuse me?" Lyra raged. "Mind your own fucking business." Lyra scolded before walking away. She walked away from Tom but couldn't help feel bad for him. Lyra guessed that was his way of showing emotion. Anger. Lyra wondered what could've made him that way.

She quickly brushed the thoughts off as she got to the door of Alex's room, but she couldn't make herself knock. Instead she walked away from the dorms, and back into the Slytherin common room. She would play hard to get.

A/n: Kind of a filler chapter. But no worries, next chapter will have smut, and will hopefully have more than 800 words.

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