Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

"I think I love you." Lyra choked out, breathing heavily.

"Good for me. Too bad you mean shit to me Lyra." Tom growled, sitting in front of her. "Myrtle Warren and Reginald Balmer were found dead." Tom huffed, changing the subject.

"Excuse me?" Lyra scoffed, her facial expressions changing from vulnerable to anger.

"Yeah, they were found dead in the Slytherin prefect bathroom. A tragedy really." Tom sighed, crossing his hands against his legs.

"What do you mean I mean shit to you?" Lyra asked, a few tears pooling in her eyes that she pushed back.

"Watch yourself, Desai." Tom hissed, standing up. "You knew going into this it would just be sex. No emotions. No love."

"But what if I want love?"

"Darling, you can't always get what you want." Tom smirked, walking towards her. "But I can give you what you need."

"What I need is a person who can actually care for me. Not just a fuck buddy." Lyra scoffed, sitting up from his bed and storming out. Not only had she ruined two perfectly good relationships in the course of two months, she had missed out on all of her friendships because of it.

She made her way to the Hufflepuff common room, knowing that they would all be in Lucietta's room for the daily "caffeine and talk," which is their term for gossiping over tea.

She lightly knocked on Lucietta's oak door, noticing the mirror on the front. Looking into it she saw that her hair was widely ruffled, and her clothes were wrinkled. She cringed at herself, and tried to fix it before the door opened. Lyra heard the footsteps approach and stood tall, adjusting her posture to look less awkward.

"Oh, Lyra. Come in." Cedrella sighed, opening the door wider so Lyra could walk in. The group sat in a circle, a few faces falling as Lyra entered.

"Hey." Lyra tensely waved, joining the circle. Irma smiled widely, bringing Lyra into a light hug and Lyra sat down.

"I'm so happy you finally came!" Irma cheered, passing Lyra a warm cup of tea.

"Of course, sorry I didn't come before. I've been..busy."

"Busy fucking the whole school." Lucille huffed.

"Excuse me?" Lyra asked, nearly leaping onto the girl.

"Don't worry Lyra, Lucille's just jealous," Lucietta eyed Lucille, "that you got to fuck Riddle."

"Oh yes." Ascella agreed. "How was that?"

"He's definitely..experienced." Lyra blushed. "Rough." The girls cheered for Lyra, except Luccile who had a vacant facial expression.

"I'm more interested in Nott." Irma smiled, and a light sigh escaped Cedrella's lips.

"He's more gentle than Riddle, but it doesn't mean that he's gentle." Lyra gossiped. "But let's not talk about my love life, I want to hear about you. I haven't really even talked to you guys in months."

"Well," Lucietta started, taking in a deep breath before filling Lyra in. "Hermes started dating Lestrange, which didn't go well with Potter. He's in the infirmary because of it." Lucietta explained. "Zabini got with Abott, as we all expected. They make all love lives seem like a sham." She continued. "And finally, because nothing else happened in our lives, Irma and I got together but Black keeps chasing after her." Everyone blushed and let out excited

"Oh! Oh! Tell Lyra what you told him, Irma!" Ascella chanted, giddy with excitement.

Irma shifted in her spot, adjusting to a more comfortable position. "It wasn't anything crazy, I just told him, it's like you think a woman can't love a woman."

Lyra's eyes widened. "And he's still chasing after you?" She pondered.

"He has no sense." Cedrella rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"What about you Cedrella? Anyone you like?" Lyra asked, taking a sip of the tea that had been spiked.

"I like Nott." Cedrella blurted, causing the laughter in the room to fade.

"Oh, uhm, you should give it a go." Lyra encouraged.

"I'm taking Riddle from you, you know? You think it is as if he's yours, yet he's still wrapped around my finger. Like fourth year, all over again." Lucille spat. Fourth year, the year where Lucille fought over Tom with another girl. That girl was yet to be found.

"You know, Lucille, maybe you should mind your business." Priscilla bellowed, taking a long sip of her tea.

"She's physically incapable to, Cilla. Her skull's too thick." Lucietta laughed, it was rare to see her picking on Lucille, but not bothering Dorea was on a whole new level for Lucietta.

"Guys, we just have to realize that Lucille will never end up with anyone." Irma giggled, but Lucille was full of it and pranced. Lucille lunged herself at Irma, aiming to yank her hair. Lucietta quickly stepped in and stopped her. Grabbing her by the collar of her shirt, Lucietta threw Lucille out of her room, kicking her in the stomach for good measure.

"Did you think you could lay a hand on my girlfriend and not get away with it?" Lucietta asked, but Lucille said nothing. "Fucking bitch, get the fuck out of here." She yelled, slamming the door on Parkinson's face.

"So, Lyra, why are you here?" Lucietta asked calmly, clapping her hands free of dust. "It's not that we don't enjoy the sudden company but, shouldn't you be with Riddle?"

"I may have accidentally.." Lyra stopped for a second, taking in a deep breath. "..told him I loved him."

A/n: Its was short and I'm sorry but I'm just getting back to the writing game. My ex is harassing me to get back w him, and being a fucking creep, so I have to deal w that. If yall ever studied criminal law, hmu. I wanna see if it's legal to murder a person who is stalking you.

A fucking 8 year old threw my computer down the stairs so, sorry if theirs grammar issues, I typed this on my phone. I'll post a better chapter tomorrow when I can go to the library and use a fucking computer there because CHILDREN ARE SATAN.

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